Chapter 8

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I felt like I was dying, my head was throbbing, I already took like five aspirins but nothing was working, and I've been throwing up all morning. I was just hanging out beside the toilet when Two came in. He looked like death too and pushed me away before he puked too.
"I thought Mathews can hold their liquor?"
"And I thought Curtis's don't drink?" We both let out a weak laugh.
"You look like death Sara, come on I know how do get over a hangover." He pulled me up and lead me into the kitchen. Pony and Johnny were the only other ones here since it was a work day and they were probably told to babysit us.
"Here have some of this." Two handed me a beer and some chocolate cake.
"No way, I'll puke more."
"Just do it trust me it works, don't drink a lot to get drunk again just enough to numb your senses." I sighed and dug in. After I was done surprisingly I felt a little better.
"I'm going back to bed." I said to the boys and went into my room this time and crawled in my bed.
   Soda came in the next morning to tell me that everyone is going out so I had the house to myself and they called my boss for me to take today off. He kissed my forehead and said goodbye before leaving. I waited until I didn't hear anyone in the house before I got up and went for a shower. It felt so good to wash everything off me. I brushed my hair and braided it back, it was just a regular braid since I didn't know how to French braid my own hair. I can French braid others hair but I can't do it on myself, I'm learning but it never looks nice I just usually get Darry or Two-bits mom too. Yeah my mom taught the boys a bit of useful things like that before she died but Darry was the best at it. I walked out in just a towel because I was still wet and was starving so I went to the kitchen. While I was enjoying the cake I started to think, I really need to go talk to Dally. If my reaction was bad I wonder how he took me yelling at him, so I threw on my jeans which were actually another pair of Ponys and a black t-shirt. I closed the door as I slipped on my converse, and jogged all the way to Bucks. I was gasping for air by the time I got to the steps, man I really need to get in shape or stop smoking.
"Hey Kid, how you've been." He came over and hugged me, which I thought was really weird and very un-buck like.
"Been better, is Dal around?"
"I'm guessing you didn't hear? He was dragged into the station early yesterday morning for vandalism." What? Vandalism, Dally doesn't do that.
"Wait what?" I shook my head, why did he do that he literally just got out.
"Yeah, something 'bout broken windows, apparently someone seen him night before last hangin' around the school. I don't know why he would be there." Buck shrugged and walked back behind the counter. Oh no, Two and I got him arrested. Sara your so stupid, he's serving your time.
"Shit Buck, that was me, I was drunk with Two after what happened at your party. We were blowing off some steam when Dally came. It's my fault he's arrested again." I buried my face in my hands.
"Oh I see.. Don't be mad he probably confessed so you didn't get in trouble and didn't want you to get arrested, plus don't you think he owned you one?" I looked up at him.
"Why cuz he apparently cheated? I just found out that, the gang hid it from me and all I wanted to do today was talk to Dally." Buck started to dry off glasses.
"Well I can't speak on his behalf but when you got into your incident he was a wreck, came in here and got completely drunk. He was blaming himself about you and Johnny after Darrel phoned. I was trying to calm him down but than a rush came and I turned back to check on him but he was gone."
"Wait but he was arrested for fighting Tim, why was he with Sylvia?" He hesitated for a moment. "Please Buck, no ones giving me answers, how I'm I suppose to figure out what and who I'm supposed to be mad at." I pleaded.
"Fine, but I warned you. It didn't see Dally for awhile, I heard Tim yelling and stuff breaking. I ran upstairs, found him practically trying to kill Dally, but than I heard Tim and his reasons. Tim was fighting drunk, angry Dally, who was actually winning against him I might add, tell him that Sylvia was not the answer and that he was a dick. I grabbed both of them and threw 'em out so they didn't break anything else. I guess someone called it in." I was stunned, Tim was going kick Dals ass cuz he was hurting me and Darry. Wow, again something I didn't expect Tim to do.
"Jesus." I muttered. I sat there for awhile just trying to sort my thoughts out. Dally got arrested cuz Tim was trying to get through to him that he messed up by cheating and screwed both me and Dar. Than Dally got arrested again because he was protecting me because he cared? Man this is too much.
"Heads up." Is all Buck said before someone grabbed my shoulder spinning me around.
"Look what you did you bitch." Sylvia stood there pointing at her bandaged up nose. I let out a laugh but she pulled me to my feet, grabbing my shirt collar. "You think this is funny kid, I swear I'll give it too you." I was trying to keep a straight face but she was trying so hard to be a badass and she looked and sounded so funny cuz of her nose. Plus she's only a year older than me, I could easily take her, no doubt and I'm an actual badass so...
"After what you did to my boys we both know I'd kick your ass." I pushed her off me and turned back to the bar. Sylvia quickly grabbed someone's beer bottle and hit me over the head. I fell into the bar counter, the bottle broke and I could feel all the glass in the side of my head. My hands gripped the counter as I filled with rage, I looked at Buck who was standing with his mouth open. He shook his head, I know he knows about my temper but he was too slow to stop me; I spun around.
"Want to do that to my face you chicken?" She smirked before grabbing another bottle and throwing it at my head.
"Sylvia! Sara!" Buck yelled at us but I jumped at her.
"Remember what I told you Hun?" I spit pinning her arms to the ground.
"Yeah that I was going to cut you for being 'round Dal" She hissed as she kicked me off her. She  rolled to her feet and she pulled out her blade out. I jumped up as Buck was still yelling but I think he was calling someone but I was focused on Sylvia and her blade.
"Scared I'll win? That why your being dirty you whore." I asked.
"I'm not scared, I'm keeping my promise." Sylvia snapped lunging towards me. I stepped out of the way but she caught my arm with her blade. I let out a small cry of pain grabbing my arm. She re-adjusted her grip and came again. This time I was out of the way so I kicked her to the ground and stepped on her hand that was holding her blade.
"See I don't need a fancy blade to kill yea." I whispered into her ear and threw the blade to the side. I picked her up giving her the same advantage I had of standing, because I belief in a fair fight. Sylvia punched me, I was taken back by how she did that but I smiled wildly. Her smug smile quickly dropped when I looked at her, she probably seen a bit of Dallas in me and got scared because I was kind of enjoying the fight. I punched her in the nose again. Blood gushed all over, she froze thinking I'd stop but I wasn't even closer to done, she came to me looking for a fight I'm just going to use her as a punching bag, she deserved it. I was punching her real bad when I suddenly felt someone grab me and pulled me off her. People rushed over to see if she was ok, and without even thinking I turned around swung.
"Ow what was that for?" He yelled out in pain. It was Max.
"Oops I'm sorry Max." I apologized but was cut off with Buck yelling at him to get me out of here.
"Your crazy!" I heard Sylvia as Max grabbed my wrist and ran out the back door.
"I'm so sorry about that." I said as we walked down the back alley.
"It's ok but damn you got a nice right." He said holding his jaw in pain. "Buck called sayin' yous were fightin' and to take you out."
"Well she deserved it and I didn't get to the fun part yet."
"Man you remind me of Dally." He smiled, it quickly fell when I shook my head in dismay.
"Oh shit, I'm sorry for saying that." Max looked at the ground.
"It's ok, it's not your fault, that's why I was fighting." We walked together all the way to DX. I was hesitant to go in but Max drug me in and started to explain. Most of the gang was there, Steve, Johnny, Pony and of course Soda.
"Damn remind me to stay on your good side." Steve joked as Soda just stared at me, I could tell he was mad at me because I was going down a bad path over these last few days. Pony got the First aid kit and began to take glass out of my skull. Max helped stitch me up since there was so many cuts from the glass plus the one on my arm.
"You need to stop this sis, it ain't you." Soda said, I didn't know what to say, I've just been so mad with all this stuff going on I just did what I did. Damn this must of been how and why Dally did what he did. 
"I know, I just was so mad at Dally and than you all told me about what Sylvia did an-" I looked at Soda who was crying already, I hoped off the counter and hugged my twin.
"I-I just-t don't l-like you g-ettin' hurt." He stuttered. Soda soon calmed down and him and Steve went back to work. Max said good bye and left, Max never stays long he's always going places, it's kinda exhausting to be honest. Johnny, Pony, and I left too. We walked home in silence, I know they were both worried too.
"When's Dal out?" I asked Johnny, but he just shrugged his shoulders.
"When Darry called they told em three weeks without good behaviour." Pony responded.
"After what Dal did why does Darry still look out for him? I swear he needs to stop parenting everyone." I frowned.
"I actually think he was more concerned for you, look what you did with just the news never mind after talking to Dally." Pony looked scared and I don't blame him.
"Sorry for scaring you." Was all I managed to say.
When Darry and Soda got home from work they both lectured me about everything that happened. I deserved it to say the least, Darry said he'd ground me but you can't ground anyone on this house it just doesn't work like that. I told them I was sorry and I will never do it again unless it was for a good cause but they both said no so I had to agree. Darrys and Sodas anger towards me slowly disappeared over the following weeks. They both kept an eye on me but I literally did nothing fun or exciting, I was being a Darry. I cooked, cleaned and worked non stop, always busy so I couldn't think about anything, therefore I wouldn't get upset. Instead of having fun with the gang at parties or the drive in Darry would always make me stay home or go visit Two-bits mom. She helped us a lot after the accident, teaching us basic things like bills and to properly clean things, so we'd still visit her and Twos little sister since theoretically she's part of the gang. Two doesn't know but when she's older she's going to be part of the gang even though she's so much younger than Pony who is 14 but almost 15. I enjoy spending time with them but it's just not the same, with the gang we'd go places and joke around but with Mrs.Mathew we'd just talk or I'd play tea party with Twos little sis. It was nice to talk to another women but I missed the boys.
   Through all this chaos Pony found himself a girlfriend, Katie Wilson. I knew her from school through her older brother Derek, he was one of the Greaser guys I'd tried dating but it didn't last long. She's Ponys age, all onto the books and things he's into even though she's also a greaser. Katie is a sweet girl, jet black hair, slim and petite figure really made her look like a grease but she didn't do half the stuff other girls did. Katie doesn't drink or smoke, hardly curses, and isn't a snob. Her and I have gotten close but she mostly hangs with Pony because I guess you could say he's semi normal, well Johnny is too but sometimes he's too quiet and shy. But that's better than the rest of us who get pretty rowdy at times and that isn't her crowd. Which is all good cuz not many people can be apart of our gang or life for that matter and not be rowdy. It's just how we act to cope with the stress and drama of it. Like go party tonight cuz there's a fight soon or bills are due but you got no money so let's just go hang and worry tomorrow cuz this situation isn't new to you. There's an unless amount of reasons to that but I like to think we know how to have fun here. I tried explaining this all to Pony when he asked us all why Katie doesn't like coming over here and if it was his fault but as you know it isn't. So I told him that and the boys agreed. Darry said if it bugged him that much just talk to her because talking never hurts. That's when Pony ran out of the house to do just that. Everything worked out I guess because they are still together but he never did say what they discussed. It's cute seeing the two of them together, there always happy and smiling. Even when they are reading books beside each other they both are smiling and happy just to be around one another. I wish that was the case with me and Dal.

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