Chapter 40

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     As Joe predicted, Darry called all the gang over for dinner the Friday before Valentine's Day. This year it fell on a Saturday so Buck was going to throw a big party because of it. The entire dinner I kept smiling, Dally causally would nudge me or shoot me this look when it was bad. Man I couldn't help it, I couldn't wait for everyone to know. However we ate, had cake, and started to clean up. I pulled Dally into the bathroom.
"You need to calm down." He chuckled as I shut the door.
"Well why don't yay think they told us yet? Like honestly Dal I'm getting worried, what if something happened to it?" I nervously bit my lip, Dal rolled his eyes.
"Or like Joe said it was a false positive...I know how important this would be for Darry, but it's not your place Sara."
"It's stupid, you know what I'm going to ask Nancy if they don't mention it tonight." I concluded to myself since I knew Dal was not on board with me.
"Guys can everyone come into the living room for a sec?" Darry hollered, it was mostly towards Dal and I. I could tell as everyone was already sitting on the couches.
"I promise y'all can leave right after this." Nancy explained turning off the television. I sat on Dally's lap on the couch since there was only one spot left.
"Okay now no one open this until I say so, got it?" Darry instructed as all of us got an envelope.
"Awe Dar don't tell me y'all are having another wedding." Two chuckled as Steve asked if he was okay since it wasn't no one's birthday or holiday.
"Guys just amuse them." I said and Dal whispered to shut it.
"Okay everyone ready? Now open it." Darry gave the go ahead throwing an arm around Nancy. There was silence as everyone opened the envelope, I gasped seeing Aunty on it. Eleanor shrieked, Soda thought they were joking, Steve didn't get it, Pony  looked stunned, and Johnny was the first to say congrats to them.
" big ole Dar-bear knocked yay up?" Nancy nodded at Twos question. "Hot damn I owe Sar five bucks." He cursed before handed me a crisp five from his pocket.
"Sara Curtis." Darry warned me but I shrugged my shoulders.
"Bit you've just been swindled man." Dally said trying not to laugh. Than everyone's eyes were on me.
"What the hell does that mean?"
"I bet Two Nancy would be the next one to get pregnant and he said he bet it woulda been me again." I mumbled not making eye contact, Dal nudged my back.
"No, no missy how come the hood said I've been played?" Two asked standing up from the ground, I played dumb with him.
"She found the positive pregnancy test a few weeks back that's how you doorknob." Dal spat and I slapped his chest.
"Hey snitch."
"That's unfair gimme my money back." Two tried to grab it but I ran away. Darry yelled after us to stop acting up but I was trying to avoid losing my earnings. The rest of the gang carried about talking to the newly weds and proceeding to watch tv.
"Steve grab the thief." Two hollered as I rounded the corner and was caught by him.
"Hey you shouldn't have taken the deal Two stop acting like a baby."
"You cheated." He smirked ripping the bill from my hands and began tickling me. "This is what yay get you lowlife." He started to laugh as well as I rolled onto the floor laughing.
"Okay-sorry, Two I'm goin' pee." I gasped between breathing and laughing. Finally Dar told him to lay off, I laid in the floor for a good ten minutes as my ribs were hurting.
"Jeez y'all act life damn children and your adults." He lectured Two and I, he wasn't happy than he lectured me for invading Nancy's privacy.
"I wasn't, I happened to find it when I was looking for something else under the sink." I attempted to explain but than he got madder cuz he knows what is under the sink.     
    Mostly it's junk but there were three things that take the majority of the room under there are condoms, pads, and pregnancy tests. He shouted that while everyone was there, Nancy slapped her forehead pulling Darry back. I stayed silent as some of the boys decided to go home, they always knew boundaries like that. Johnny told me he'd take the kids, Dally told him it's fine he's got them but hesitated a moment waiting to see if I'd object him leaving Dar and I fighting. Johnny being the smart didn't give us the time and just left back to our house. Only Nancy, Dally, and my brothers were in the house now.
"Why were you in there?" Darry crossed his arms, I looked at Dal before back to Darry.
"Darrel I think you need to understand she is a women now." I give Nancy props for attempting to cool him off. I didn't know what to say, she was right but I don't know why he was losing it like that. It's been a long time since the two do us went at it like this.
"I ran outta pads so I knew Nancy always had some." I fibbed, Darry straightened his back. I knew he saw right through it, he always told me to keep track of my period so I don't get pregnant again. He knew that before his wedding I was telling Nancy how excited I was not to have mine when I had to wear a dress.
"Sara don't lie, you got one more chance."
"Darry I'm eighteen years old, have a house, and twins can you not be so controlling over me."
"It's my job, even if I don't have control over you know it'll always be my job to make sure my three siblings don't screw up their life's." He hissed, my mouth dropped. All the boys know how much I hate it when they mention they think Dal and I messed up. Yeah sure we did but we are happy with it and are learning. Both of us have told them if we got the chance to do it again we wouldn't change it.
"Yay know what screw you, you're always telling me I'm a trouble child since Mom and Dad. Telling me I'm unfit and a fuck up, that I throw tantrums. Well Darrel I'll show you one since it's unfair that you can lose your top but I can't."
"Typical Sara always complaining, well life ain't fair." He said cooly, I clenched my fists and bit the inside of my cheek.
"You've been a better brother since Nancy came into your life, before I hated your guts. Now I guess I still do so you know what Darry don't talk to me just leave me the hell alone now. Have a great life with the kid y'all are having, just pray to god it's nothin' like you." I hollered before storming outside and down the street.
      I barely put my shoes on and I didn't grab a jacket, by the time I made it to the lot I was frozen. I knew I couldn't do this anymore, I got kids at home it wasn't fair to them or anyone that when I blow my top they have to look after the twins. Maybe Darry was right all along, I've always been a major stress in his life. This was supposed to be his and Nancy's next big step together, I wrecked it because I wanted to try scam Two. I should've known better but that doesn't excuse his behaviour. It's enough that Dally's been acting sketchy, now I have to worry about my powder keg older brother. Soon I felt my body begin to shiver, I was so cold. I lit a weed thinking that would help but the only thing that did was the matches I used to warm up my hands. If it wasn't winter I knew the Socs would be here and beating the tar out of me, I would be able to let off steam and feel like I've been punished. However in winter Socs take a break and focus on the greasers at school only. I heard Dallas hollering from the other side of the lot, I huffed and began walking towards him. Even if Darry hated me, it didn't matter about Dally, he'd come after me as long as he was breathing.
"What is the matter with yay? You're going to freeze out here." He frowned seeing me with only a t-shirt on.
"I'm sorry he just, he isn't fair." I said rubbing my arms, Dal took off his jacket and wrapped me up in it.
"He is sorry, Nancy said he's been under stress from his job, the baby, and having to worry about Ponyboy graduating next year." Dal explained picking me up and carrying me home.
"Everyone is worried about him, he is the only one with a chance of a future outta us." I muttered wrapping me arms around Dally's neck, his arms went under the back of my shirt.
"Some things just don't change."
"No the problem is that they are changing. Us having kids, now Darry, Pony leaving us soon, Steve and Soda getting mechanic licences. Plus I wrecked Darry's big day, I always wreck things for him."
"Do you wanna go to Bucks?" Dal asked, I knew he was hinting at drinking and sex.
"We are doing that tomorrow, we can't dump the kids on Johnny two nights in a row."
"Sure we can as I'm working until midnight so technically he'll be sleeping when I come get yay." He chuckled and I smacked his head.
     When we got home Dal asked Johnny if it's okay if he takes me to Bucks as I didn't want to be near Darry. Johnny being the sweetheart he is didn't mind at all, Dally paid him to watch the kids despite Johnny saying no. I told Johnny I loved him and that he should just be our babysitter when he wasn't in school with Pony. Sodapop called right when we were leaving, he explained what was happening on his end. Basically the same stuff Dal said but that Nancy had a miscarriage before so it was an even bigger deal to Darry than we thought. I hung up and went to Bucks feeling  crappier than I already was. Dal gave me some space as he played pool, I tried to warm myself up with shots but it wasn't working. Tim came up to me saying I didn't look good and I nearly lost my temper again. He thought it was funny and bought me more liquor saying if I get into a fight tell him first so he can place bets.  
       Buck talked to me saying I should go up to his room for a hot shower. Yeah most people don't know this but there is a third story at Bucks where he lives. Personally I've only heard of it and few have actually been up there as he renovated so the main stairs only went up to the second and you had to go through the back storage room to the third. I always found it weird that he would do that but also it made sense as he got his privacy from the drunks staying here. I went up and showered, Buck said to help myself to warmer clothes. It felt wrong to so I just put my original outfit back on and braided my hair back. Dally asked if I wanted to go upstairs, but I told him I wanted to play some pool. He shrugged as we kept playing and drinking. Soon enough I couldn't see straight so I sat on the couch to watch when I fell asleep.

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