Chapter 38

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      It was strange the next day, the ground was all freshly white from last nights snow fall. Nothing out of place, outside the world went on even after Max died. Saturday is usually full chaos from everyone being in the small house, yet no one could speak. There were too many questions that were hovering over us, I know I was scared that if I opened my mouth I'd break down. Pony and Johnny stayed in the bedroom with the twins, I think it made them feel better to be around life and not the thought of death. Nancy and Darry got into an argument about Max. Darry wanted her to ask if it was a self over dose or not but she said that the morgue wouldn't even have looked at him yet. He wanted her to make them do it but she tried to tell him she has no influence over that. Soda just simply turned the volume of the tv up, I decide to go back home. I needed to change and get the twins some clothes as well. I was greeted by Jamie who was making himself toast.
"Mornin' Sara, want some?"
"No thanks I don't feel like eating, what happened to you and Dallas last night?" I squinted looking at Jamie's face. "And why do you got bruises on your hands and face?" I asked glancing around the house looking for any sign of Dally.
"Don't worry he is in the bathroom," Jamie explained sitting at the table. "He had a rough night."
"Where did he go? Don't tell me he went back to Bucks." I nervously rubbed my face.
"Had to chase him down, I tried to stop him but he got really drunk at Bucks. Dallas being himself tried to fight anybody that gave him the wrong look and I had to pull him off of a few people. He was lookin' for somebody and for a bit I lost him. Later I found him out back smoking...Sara he locked himself in the bathroom. I don't think he wants to see me because I tried to get him to go home before he did something dumber but he threw a punch."
   I could tell Jamie didn't mind getting clocked in the head by Dally but I think he knew Dally was sorry. That Dally couldn't face him after he punched his friend. I went and knocked on the door. Dal shouted that Jamie should drop it, I said it was me and that he should let me in. There was silence on the other end, I was going to turn around when the door creaked open. Dally went back to what looked to be a make shift bed beside the toilet. I knelt down beside him, he had dried blood on the side of his mouth and head. I wet a clothe and wiped his cuts on his face. Dally stayed silent avoiding eye contact with me while I got him a glass of water. Once I was done I sat next to him following his gaze and too stared at the back of the door. Slowly I placed my head on his shoulder, he deeply exhaled and hung his head.
"I messed up." He whispered looking down at his bruised knuckles.
"I know."
"You shouldn't be here, after what I did."
"Dally it was heartache you felt, you care more than you let yourself believe and it's okay." I cooed as he nodded, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me close.
"He's gone, all because of me. I keep thinkin' that next time it will be Johnny or Pony you know? It's my fault that he is doin' all this." Dal mumbled into my hair.
"You didn't do this, and you know that Andy is just breaking you down. You can't let him see that it's working."
"...But he knows it is, I can still become my demons and he fully knows it."
      The two of us sat together until Pony and Johnny came with the twins. They said that they got tired of hearing Darry arguing with everyone. I told them to watch some tv and relax here until he cooled down. Jamie got Dally out of the bathroom and eating while I changed. By noon Dal was pasted out in our bed, his hangover on top of the physical pain from all his fighting I could tell worn him out. I made grill cheese for lunch and tried to start a conversation. However the only one that would talk was Jamie. He told me he had to leave on the twenty seventh because he has to be in Idaho to see his parents. I showed him the bed we had in the room in the back as he slept on the couch last night. The rest of the afternoon consisted of tv and small fragments of a conversation.
     That's how the rest of December really went for the gang. We just couldn't bring ourselves to talk with those questions suffocating us all. Yet not a soul asked anything to anyone. It didn't start to get better until they buried Max two days before Christmas. Everyone went to the graveyard to watch even if it wasn't a funeral, even Shepard's boys came with us. I'd have to say this Christmas was the worst one the gangs had, it was even worse than the one after mom and dad died. We all talked and laughed but it still had it's depressing moments. If someone would slip up or when we got a call from Joe. I felt bad, for everyone. It wasn't fair that Christmas was ruined by this, by Andy. Two and Steve always impressed us for a while and the gang would all smile. We did our thing with the gifts and Darry took our photos as usual. Dal had his moments, of anger and sadness except he kept drinking with Two which distracted him. I too wasn't feeling the holiday spirit so I don't recall who got what but Dally bought me the leather skirt I liked from Moody's. I smiled knowing Eleanor most likely got it with money Dally gave her. Jamie left on the twenty seventh, Dal and I tried apologizing to him for such a crappy visit but he understood and was perfectly fine with his time with us.
      Dally told me he got a new job since he was fired. He said it was for some butcher, I really didn't push but it was strange that he'd start at five until midnight. When I asked all he said was that he packaged and loaded the meat for the next day or in a tuck for transport. I hardly seen him, it bothered me and I could tell Dal wasn't too happy either. One night he came home drunk with Johnny. Johnny said he was walking outside in the snow when he saw drunk Dally passed out on the curb. I lectured Johnny even though I immediately felt bad, and for Dally I had to wait for him to sober up to yell at him. I told Johnny he should just move in at this point when I mentioned him go into the bedroom Dally thought I was talking to him. He drunkly tugged at my pants saying he needed help before bursting into laughter. That was the first time since before Max died Dal truly laughed, even if he was drunk. Johnny went to sleep while I escorted Dally to our bed. Dal rambled on saying he got paid and he ripped open an envelope full of cash throwing all over the bed. It was way too much cash to just be working at a butcher shop, I knew that for sure. I wasn't impressed with him at this point, I couldn't talk to him because he was drunk so I waited for an entire hour until he pasted out beside me. This was not like him, I didn't even have time to ask him about it because the next day was New Year's Eve.
    The next night we took the kids to Mrs.Mathews house and did a pre-count down for them and Izzie. She told us she's staying up and doing the real thing this year. Two was already drunk and told her that he's going to call her so she better be up. The gang had a good chuckle with the comedy Two was providing. This year Pony was sixteen so Darry let him have a couple drinks because it was only fair that he got to when Sodapop and I also began drinking at that age. Well that's what Darry thinks. Anyways it was a good thing all of us were able to let loose for a night after the month we've had. Yet it was mostly the alcohol that seemed to get everyone excited and lively again. Even Darry had a couple with all of us. I could tell it was going to be a long night because I think most of us were drunk by eleven and had no thoughts of stopping. I can't speak for the others but I definitely was looking forward to partying so I could forget for awhile. Buck announced the five minute warning, I found Two and Elle dancing trying to see if they seen Dally.
"Awe he's 'round here." Two slurred twirling Elle.
"Don't worry, he'll be here for y'alls kiss." She giggled making kissing noises at me.
"Hiya Sar," Sodapop and his blonde buckle bunny came up behind me. Yes, they were still dating and she came for New Years and then staying until the wedding on Saturday. "Here is your drink." I thanked my brother before scanning the room for Dal.
    I couldn't find him anywhere, just than everyone started counting down from ten. It sucked that Dal was missing but honestly I was happy with chugging my beer. As if my worries where answered I felt arms wrap around me and spin me around just as everyone shouted "Happy New Years". Well this is when things got weird, everything about the dominance and the kiss seemed normal until he slipped his hands down the front of my pants. I pushed the body away before gasping, it was not Dally. I turned to the others but they were occupied with each other.
"Come on baby, let's go have some fun." The drunk stranger said, I shook my head and turned to leave when I saw Dally.
     He was standing in the corner next to Johnny and Pony, mouth hung open. It didn't help that we both weren't sober, I knew that this sobered us both up enough to realize it. I tried to go to him except he finished his drink and went out back. I ran after him, he looked like he was about to walk home in the snow. Once I reached him I pulled on his arm.
"Dally, please it's not what it looks like." I begged him, he turned around. The only light was the lamps on the building which casted a shadow over most of his face.
"What the hell does it look like?! You where lettin' that dude stick his tongue down your throat!" He hissed, his face was flat out furious.
"But I-l.." I couldn't find the words in my mouth, I knew he was pissed and he wouldn't listen.
"Save it and go with him, hope the two of yay have fun." Dal ripped the drink from my hand and threw it to the ground before beginning to walk away. I felt tears forming when I heard the strangers drunk voice behind me.
"Babe come with me upstairs, let's-" He pulled me towards him.
"Screw off man."
"Oh I see how it is." The man frowned than tried to kiss me holding me close to his body.
"Get off!" I pushed him but he pulled me with him by the hair.
"You heard her, get the fuck away!" Dally came into view.
"Mind your own business." The stranger shouted, Dal punched the guy making him release me.
    Dal beat the man until he wasn't conscious anymore before he glared at me. He didn't say one word if I was okay or not, he simply stormed back into Bucks. I went after him only to lose him in the crowd, fuck I was so stupid. This was a great way to start of the new year. Why didn't I turn to see if it was him before I kissed that guy? I rubbed the back of my head where the guy pulled my hair, I needed a drink and to tell Buck there's an unconscious body lying out by the dumpster. Buck rolled his eyes that Dal did that but than gave me a few shots. He said let him cool off but I just asked if I could have a bottle of rye. I ripped it out of his hands.
"Now you better not go and do something stupid by drinking that shit." He warned me, I flipped him off before taking a few big gulps.
    I left the bar and ventured into the back room. Honestly I really wanted Dal to be there but there was only Shepard's crowd. Tim sensed something was up so he invited me to play some pool with him. Well if you didn't know, when you play pool in this building you have to win. Or else the winner gets to choose your punishment. Tim said if he'd win I'd have to flash him, I told him that was not happening unless I dropped dead. He smirked and changed it to every ball one of us sank the other had to do a shot. We played until he found some broad to screw upstairs, while I just stumbled with my almost empty bottle of rye through the crowd so I could sit at the stairs. I wanted to cry, Dal hated me and it was over. Every time that crossed my mind I took a sip from the bottle, I blacked out for awhile and I some how ended up down stairs hanging out with some of Shepard's boys with a new bottle of whiskey in hand. Curly found us and handed out water for all of us with some food Buck had in the fridge. I was thrilled, there were chips and peanuts. I think the boys and I ate everything in under ten minutes, we all were starving since we only had alcohol in our stomachs. Also the fact that half of them were high out of their minds.
     One of them helped me up the stairs to the bathroom to puke. He was laughing at me, I shocked him when I stood up after I threw up and asked him for another drink. His face was priceless, he simply said he'd grab another one for me. I sat out in the hallway leaning against the wall. I didn't want to go too far from the bathroom just in case, the guy came to drop off a beer and than went back down to his gang. I sat by myself for so long I had a small pile of empties beside me from people grabbing me drinks. My head was spinning, yet that didn't stop me from flipping a bottle cap.
"Up?" I lifted my head and squinted to see it was Dally looking down at me.
"No." I spat finishing off my bottle, he pulled me to my feet. We both swayed from not having any balance until he held the wall for support.
"What are yay doin' all alone?" Dal slurred looking me up and down.
"Doesn't matter now does it, lemme drink in peace." I glared trying to slide back down the wall but Dally pulled me up again. I could tell he was drunk but no where's near my level.
"Over my dead body you're sleepin' out here."
"Oh sorry sir," I rolled my eyes stepping away from Dal. "Best be lookin' for my boyfriend."
"Come back smart ass." He spun me around, my eyes rolled back as my vision spun.
"I ain't goin' nowhere's bud." I just finished the sentence when I felt puke rising in my throat and basically fell into the bathroom. Dal rubbed my back until I was done, I leaned against the wall.
"Now will yay come with me?"
"Now will you come with me." I mocked Dally. "Hell no."
"Such a goddamn child." He hissed picking me up and hauling me to his room.
"Can we snort some of those goodies in the drawer? Would really improve your mood." I snickered, Dal shook his head throwing me onto the bed. He threw me a shirt to wear, I chucked it back saying I don't want anything from him. Dal frowned before pulling his shirt and pants off.
"I don't know yay well enough man." Me being the lovely drunk I am tried to get back upend pasted Dal to the door only to be pushed back down by Dal.
"Enough go to bed." He hissed, I stuck my tongue out at him. Dal climbed into bed beside me. After a few minutes I took my pants and shirt off.
"Sexy bra." Dal laughed as I slipped under the blanket.
"Nighty Nighty asshole." I mumbled snuggling up with the blanket. Dally reached over me to shut the lamp off, as soon as the room went dark so did my conciseness.

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