Chapter 20

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Heavy footsteps outside the bedroom door caused my eyelids to flutter open. The footsteps sounded like the person was pacing up and down the hallway, just walking back and forth. I turn my head checking to see if Dally was still beside me. He was still out cold, I tried to fall back asleep but who ever was pacing was extremely loud. I carefully climbed over Dal without waking him and got dressed in the spare outfit I leave here. Sadly the skin tight t-shirt didn't quite fit however the older pair of jeans did. I dug around in the dresser pulling out one of Dally's white ones and tucked it into my jeans. I didn't bother putting my socks on to go to the bathroom, I creeped open the door and soundlessly slip out closing it behind me. Now the thing is I totally forgot about who ever was pacing out here and didn't look up in time to see who, when two big arms grabbed me. I attempted to scream but the man, obviously from the strength, covered my mouth pulling me down to the end of the hall. The man opened the door and revealed a very bruised faced, angry Angela. With that I knew Tim was behind this since I told Buck to tell him to talk to me. He pushed me into the room and slammed the door shut.
"Mind telling me what caused you to do that to my sister?" Tim growled at me.
"Might be easier to tell you what didn't make me do it." I said rolling my eyes, Tim didn't like that comment because he pulled his switch out and stabbing the top of a nearby dresser.
"This ain't the time to be cocky baby." Tim's eyes narrowed, you could see he was just picturing what he was going to to do me.
"Fine. When I came up here while y'all were fightin' out front last night, I found your tramp of a sister half naked in Dals room." I hissed at him.
"She's lying Tim, she's jealous and hit me just look at my face." Angela cried to her brother.
"Isn't she the one that started that fight anyhow?" I asked but Tim immediately yelled at the both of us to shut up. Angela obeyed, I did not because he ain't the boss of me and I needed to get it through his head that she's the instigator. "She's a shit disturber, and sometimes she gets in trouble so you have to clean it up. That's what happened yesterday and that's what's happening now!" My voice began to elevate as the door swung open except neither Tim nor I dared too look. "Angela was in my boyfriends room, practically naked so I damn well have a reason to have punched her! And you know that if I really wanted her injured you woulda been in the hospital yesterday! So Shepard keep her away from him or next time she won't be breathing!" I glared at Angela before turning to the door where Dally was smirking in only his jeans. Dallas was covered in bruises but I let that slide until I was away from the Shepard's. Just as I took one step Tim gripped my wrist and Dally's face went cold.
"You can't talk to me like that." He whispered into my ear while I still held eye contact with Dal before I rolled my eyes.
"Oh what you going to do? Beat me? Yeah not going to happen." I chuckled switching my gaze to his.
"I just might and since Dallas here is being protective I can make my point to you both." Tim evilly smirked at me than in Dally's direction. I could just see Dallas fuming at what Tim was saying.
"Didn't think you were so low Tim, beating up girls for one thing never mind pregnant ones." I snapped, Tim's face went into shock and Angela gasped. Dally came over and ripped Tim's grip off me before going head to head with him.
"Winston's havin' a baby? Really dug yourself a hole now haven't you." Tim spat in Dals face. Dally's fists balled together and started turning white from him squeezing them.
"Don't touch her ever again, got a problem talk to me." Dal cooly spoke continuing to stare at Tim.
"Wouldn't think anything else." Tim laughed as Dallas walked out with me to his room. Once he closed the door I knew I could talk.
"Are you ok? Come over and let me see those bruises, coulda broke a rib or somethin'." I asked inspecting Dally's torso.
"You need to stop that, going off and tryin' to be tough. And I just wanted to say I don't know why that broad was in the room last nig-Ow!" Dal cried as I ran my fingers over his left side.
"Well I can't help it, besides they came to me. Also Angela was drunk but you said nothin' happened between you two when you hung with them. Am I wrong?" There was a brief silence so I glanced up at him. His brown eyes looked hurt, I didn't mean it to be harsh just would like some reassurance.
"Don't trust me? I already told you nothin' happened." He said slightly raising his voice.
"That's the thing, I do trust you but sometimes I don't think you trust me. If something did happen way back I would like to know from you, not from the broad. We got through it once." I went over to the bed and grabbed the first aid kit I put under it. I pulled out a bandage before putting the kit back and went over to Dally.
"Nothin' like that has happened since so don't sound like you expect it! Got it!" He hissed lifting my chin to make sure he saw I acknowledged him. "I do trust you that's why I open up as much as I can. So just go finish getting ready cuz I need to feed you." Dal grabbed the bandage from me and began wrapping it himself. I huffed in annoyance before leaving to go to the bathroom. As I washed my face I heard Dallas telling Tim he'll be back later to sort things out, my stomach dropped. Why does he try make sure he's even with Tim? It's not safe, but it's also not safe to be on Tim's bad side. Ugh I can just see it later tonight Dal will come all banged up and need stitches. I dried my face off, than quickly ran my hand through my hair so it wasn't sticking up before meeting Dal at the top of the stairs. We strolled out into the parking lot, except he didn't walk to Bucks T-bird he went to the edge of the street in front of Bucks. I was a little bit unsure if I should ask why we were just waiting on the edge of the street. My mouth began to open to speak when there was an ear shattering squeal down the block.
"Uh Dal?" I followed the sound and saw a black car in the distance spinning tires.
"Give it a sec." He demanded too looking in the direction of the car and smirking. I closed my mouth just watching this car. It's engine revved gaining speed towards us. Now that it was closer I saw exactly how shiny and new it was. Did Dal ask someone to steal this for today? Awe Max probably because this thing looked like it was fresh out of the factory. The person operating it parked the car basically at our feet, I took a step forward but Dals arm restricted me. Good thing because the cars operator started to spin the tires at a viscous rate. Soon the surrounding air was smoky and smelt like burned rubber when the driver stopped leaving the car running.
"So whatcha think?" A ginger haired boy yelled popping out of the new car.
"Well it does look nice, too bad you already wore out the tires." Dal replied going over to the car and checked it over.
"Hey be grateful, this things got new plates, fresh coat, and no vin Dallas." Max said showing Dal the scratched out vin number on the dash of the car.
"Yeah yeah, I'll have to black that out. So Doll you like it?" Both boys turned and looked at me.
"Oh so now I can talk." I snapped at Dallas.
"And that is why I often don't date." Max chuckled. "Well lemme know how you like her cuz there's a Dodge Charger too but personally I like the Phymouth."
"Yeah I will, thanks man." Dal said as Max walked off towards Bucks.
"Care to explain why Max stole you a brand freaking new Plymouth Roadrunner?" I asked Dal who already opened the passenger door for me from inside the car.
"Get in." I climbed into the car and Dal instantly pinned it. "Told Max I wanted a free car so he hooked me up, plus now I can go to drags."
"Unbelievable." I shook my head but I'm doubtful Dal noticed because he was still inspecting out the car. He drove around town just showing it off to whomever was out driving or walking by. I couldn't believe this, Max got him a free car. Like poor Max got ripped off by Dallas, all his hard work and Dal didn't do anything. Maybe I shouldn't say that Dal likes-no sorry- tolerant's Max so he probably helped him out in some way. You know what, I'm not even mad about the car, just that he didn't think too, I don't know, mention this to me. Ok that's really not his fault he's not obligated to since we aren't married or costing me anything but still. We are a couple after all and having a damn baby together, that should count for something. I really should ask someone what I should do, like Mrs.Mathews or Joe because I'm completely lost for words on this topic.
After I don't know how long Dal pulled into the Dingo. We didn't speak to each other but other people sure had a lot to say to Dally about his new Roadrunner. The whole time we were in the Dingo there was constantly a guy or broad practically flirting with Dallas over his car. He barely got to eat from this, I didn't even try to point it out. I just ignored it and ate my pancakes. The bell on the dinner door rang as, oh thank god, Two bit waltzed in and began coming to our booth. He smiled sliding into the booth beside me, I greeted him but Dal was talking to a guy named Brett? I think that's what it was.
"So I see you've been replaced by a pile of metal." Two chuckled.
"A shiny pile of metal." I corrected him and we both laughed.
"Is that so. Do I need to take Dally to get checked out? You know mentally and make sure his hormones are 'right." Two whispered this just in case Dal was semi listening.
"Go ahead Doctor Mathews." I giggled. "Two can you walk me to work, can't stand being around Dal or that damn car." He nodded getting up and helping me out of the booth. This seemed to catch Dally's attention and he shrugged that guy off.
"Hey where yay going?"
"Two bit and I are going to work, I wouldn't count on seeing me later as I'll probably be working late."
Two bit and I walked straight to the Grocery store. I stopped in front to tie my apron on and popped a piece of gum in because Two was smoking and I really, really wanted a drag.
"Want me to swing by with the boys instead of Dal?" He said exhaling smoke.
"Sure." Two nodded and continued back to the Dingo. I walked in, almost ran right into Mr.McKine standing closer to the door today. Which was kinda weird, was he trying to eavesdrop? Snoopy old man.
"Where's hood?" Mr.McKine grunted.
"Busy sir." I tried to make it sound like Dals not a bad person but he didn't like Dally so I don't think I can change his mind.
"Yeah sure. You get to close up tonight and I seen that you switched with that other one." He said and we both turned to glance at one of my co workers. His names Jerry, he's the laziest guy on the planet. Jerry's the one who said I had to sweep yesterday while he read a magazine. I sighed knowing that ass switched it so he didn't have to work and I'd have too.
"Yes we did, it worked better for him if I worked this week." I fibbed.
"Here keep the keys since you'll be closing up all week." He handed me the main keys for the building, I nodded and proceeded to my till.
It was around 5 ish when I called home just let whoever was there my schedule and let them tell everyone else. Pony picked up, I made it short because I knew he was studying or something like that. He said about two words which were 'hi' and 'bye' during our brief conversation. It was strange but Pony is busy, school ends in like a week so I get it. I went back to work and I zoned out until I hear muffled shouting and thumping. My eyes immediately looked at the front window and to my surprise Two, Steve, and Soda were there banging the window. To be honest I'm not surprised that they were doing that. I smiled as the trio waltzed in, they disappeared in the aisles. I just finished with a costumer when there was a loud crash. Ugh oh.. please, please don't let it be something expensive, I thought crossing my fingers.
"Ms.Curtis!" Mr.McKine hollered from the last aisle, which was the canned food aisle. I didn't hesitate, I quickly ran to them. The three boys stood with their heads down as Mr.McKine glared and lectured them. They were surrounded with pickles, glass, and pickle juice. Two was trying to hold in his laugh when he seen me he must of lost his concentration and let out a chuckle.
"Think this is funny!" Mr.McKine spat, Twos face went to stone and he shook his head no.
"I am so sorry sir, I'll pay for the damage and get the mop."
"No no don't want you to get cut so I'll tell Jerry, just deal with the Three Stooges here." Mr.McKine waved his hand and walked off. He barely made it to the end when the boys bursted out laughing.
"You guys shut up." I hissed. "Y'all gonna get me fired so you better have a damn good reason."
"Darry said we needed some groceries." Soda explained as Two and Steve were still whispering and giggling to themselves.
"And he sent you three? Un freakin' believable."
"We were just lookin' for some flour Sar and we ended up here." Steve said wiping his hand off on his jeans from the pickle juice.
"And than I was like jeez pickles would be good but didn't know which ones cuz there so many kinds." Soda motioned to the jars that were still on the shelf.
"So Two begun opening the jars to taste test." Steve chuckled.
"Ok, I heard enough. Just let's go get the rest of the things on that list." I pushed all of them out of the aisle and walked around the store grabbing the things they repeated from a list Soda had in his pocket. We were down by the veggies, I knew carrots and a few other things were on sale so I handed it all to Steve. His basket was full so I turned expecting Two bit to be there hands ready but he just stood there his face clenched holding back a laugh. I held out some celery when he cracked.
"Sara please you're being unraisinable." Two blurted holding out bags of raisins. I have to say that even I laughed with him on that, however I had one of my own.
"Jeez taco 'bout a bad pun." Two nearly fell to the floor, Steve and Soda rolled their eyes continuing to the front tills.
"Donut get me started." Two wheezed between his laughing.
"Oh peas go ahead." I smiled and helped him stand up straight from his laughing.
"See told yay I'd bring the boys over and look at the fun!" Two winked and I rolled my eyes.
"Well I thought you'd come by after work but this was fun." I admitted smiling at him.
"We better go ketchup to the boys before they leave." He chuckled before grabbing my hand and running to the front. Since Jerry was busy cleaning up the mess I had to ring up the groceries. I'm not suppose to do this but I double bagged the groceries. It wastes money and Mr.McKine says we are not at fault of the bag rips on the was home. Except I could just see these three bozos walkin' back goofing around and all the food just falling outta the bag onto the street, it's a waste of money so I double bagged them. Each of them had two bags each, I waved bye as they left the store home.
After that nothing exciting happened, a few more costumers, at five Jerry and Mr.McKine left, and I cleaned up. I swept and mopped the floors, by that time it was ten. This time I stayed in the store while I waited for someone to come. Soon bright headlights filled the dark store, I went outside locking the door behind me. The car honked the horn singling me to hurry up, I frowned wondering why but I opened the passenger door and Two bit was laughing.
"Jeez what's your issue?"
"We were going to the drag and wanted to know if you want to tag along?" Two said as he begun to drive like a manic.
"Yeah we!" Someone repeated from the back seat, I screamed from not seeing them behind me.
"Oh my lord, don't do that." I breathed catching my breathe, I turned and saw Pony and Johnny.
"Sorry." They both whispered shocked that I screamed.
"Didn't know you were so easy to scare." Pony apologized making sure I was alright.
"Yeah Sar never took yay for a scaredy cat." Two smirked, I knew that he would try and scare me from now on since I have such a good reaction.
"Oh no, don't you start." I shook my finger at him. "Pony how come Darry let you come? It's a school night."
"Johnny and I don't have any tests tomorrow so he let us have a study break." He said from the back.
"Oh well who's racing cuz it sure as hell better not be Sodapop." I asked crossing my arms.
"Relax, Steve and Soda aren't." Two rolled his eyes as if I was overreacting. I heard Pony and Johnny whispering to themselves so I turned around asking what are they gossiping about. Pony and Johnny both started to explain.
"Well ugh you don't know?" Johnny said scratching his neck.
"Yeah D-" Ponyboy began when Two cut him off.
"What the kiddos are sayin' is that there's going to be a surprise racer, someone new." He concluded staring at them both through the rear view mirror.
"Okay." I slowly said and than nothing else was mentioned until we reached Shepard's street. It was packed people and cars littered the entire street. Two parked a block before because there was absolutely no room. Music was blasting from someone's car by the start. We made our way to the front, saying a few 'hi's' and such until we met up with Soda and Steve who were both sitting on someone's hood.
"Hey fellas." Two greeted also hoping on the car hood beside them and pulling out a beer.
"Nice for y'all to come." Steve said to Johnny, Pony, and I.
"Well Darry never lets me come so I took my chance." Pony chuckled and lit a smoke.
"Come on up and get comfy cuz the first heats about to start." Soda said patting beside him even tho there wasn't anymore room. Two noticed and climbed onto the roof of the car. Ponyboy and Johnny sat beside Two on the roof, and Soda helped me get on the hood.
"Let me guess you didn't race cuz I might be coming?" I whispered to Soda.
"No..." I raised my eyebrow. "Fine, yeah but it's all good and I swear I'll tell you when I am so you can't tell me I'm keepin' secrets."
"As long as your honest but Darry needs to know." I said moving my gaze to the street were two rat rods were getting lined up and explained the rules.
"He already does, said I can only race twice a month." He huffed just as the two cars sped off down the street.
"So how does this go? How come when you race you go around town?" I asked in a normal voice so Steve could also answer.
"First heat is just about speed, like who came make it the the end of the block first." Soda explained.
"Yeah usually only two cars go at once, winners than verse each other's to see who wins the money." Steve added glued to the revenge motors. "The second heat is the same as the first just with pimped out trucks. Well when there is people who bring trucks, which isn't often because they are more pricey."
"We usually go last in the third heat." Soda nodded agreeing with Steve.
"That's when there is usually more than two cars, and they go on a route agreed before the race. That's when you can have a second person with you spotting but a good driver doesn't need one like Soda here." Steve nudged him and they both chuckled.
The first and second heats were done pretty quick since only six people actually entered. Someone from Shepard's gang won which caused a little bit of a fight with another group of guys. They said Shepard's man cheated, and there was shoving. But the guy who announces everything from the back of his old pick up using an handmade speaker and mic told them to stop or no one wins. The groups separated and sat back or got ready to be in the next heat. The other gang fighting with Shepard's brought out another rat rod car, it was purple with no hood so you could see the massive engine in it. There were other cars too but not nearly as nice, which is too be expected around here since that's actually what enters most of these drags. There's a benefit to this though, when you just mix match the car together with parts sometimes they're decent. Soda and Steve use to, no I guess they still do, go around to junk yards and use broken pieces from the DX to build a car. I don't know if it's just because of them or what cuz I know their cars can keep up. Ten minutes went by and they still didn't start, it was like they were waiting for someone..maybe that new guy Two was talking about.
"Eh Two where's that new guy you were talking about?" I asked turning to face him on the roof but he wasn't there.
"What new guy?" Soda questioned.
"On the way here Two said y'all weren't racing so I was like why are we going and he said some new, surprise guy is racing." I replied shrugging my shoulders. Steve and Soda exchanged a nervous glance. Well that's when I heard that stupid squealing of tires. I just knew as that black Plymouth rolled up beside the others.
"Surprise?" Soda awkwardly chuckled.
"He didn't."
"Hate to tell yay but he did." Steve confirmed and all we could do was watch. Like how come he didn't say he was racing today, and didn't tell me. Well he said he was going to race but I thought he would tell me before hand and not have me find out when he pulls up to the start. The cars all revved their engines, next thing they all were gone. Everyone there started chatted and partying again because the finish line was here since the route is a loop. Steve and Soda went off with random broads, so it was just Pony, Johnny, and I. They were chatting about some Soc and both of them were practically smoking their whole pack of cigarettes. I wish I could relax but I can't, I just kept staring down the street waiting for the cars to come. Everything was normal when a chick screamed cops, I didn't hear any sirens so I thought just a drunk broad. Except people started rushing to leave in any direction they could go, it was chaotic. In this chaos, a guy was yelling at Pony and Johnny to get off the hood, they came down and both had scared looks on their faces. Out of nowhere Two bit grabbed my hand, I looked back to the boys to make sure they were following. Soda and Steve both ushered them along until we reached Twos car and all piled in. Steve drove because no one was gonna let Two drive in his drunken state.
"Do the cops crash the races often?" I asked looking behind us making sure no lights were coming.
"Sometimes, yay just gotta be fast." Soda replied.
"Soda how come no sirens were coming to us?" Ponyboy asked from beside me.
"Well it's sounds like the cops were busting the racers." Soda mumbled that sentence. I cursed knowing Dal is most likely getting a trip to the cooler tonight. "Sorry sis."
Steve dropped us off at our house, so he could drop Two and Johnny off. We all said bye to them, my brothers and I than went into the house. Darry came out from his bedroom asking how it went, no one really answered.
"You're going to be gettin' a phone call within the hour." I huffed plopping on the couch as the Pony and Soda got ready for bed.
"And why's that?" Darry said crossing his arms.
"Cuz there's a high chance Dallys been arrested." Soda hollered from within our bedroom.
"How did he manage to do that if he was just driving?" Darry leaned against the wall.
"Did he tell everyone except me he was driving? My lord." I rolled my eyes and sprawled out on the couch.
"Maybe you didn't give him a chance. Two said this mornin' yay were pissy with him." Soda stated going into the bathroom as Pony came out.
"Yeah Sara, it's just a car." Pony said.
"Oh yeah sure thing kid, he just has been doing things lately and hasn't been telling me. But no he'll tell y'all." I ranted rubbing my face in annoyance.
"Did you ask him about all this?" Darry said in his mom voice.
"No, but I shouldn't have too. Plus those cops probably heard Dally was racing so they took it as a chance to bust him again."
"We don't know he's been arrested." Pony added going into the fridge looking at what's to snack.
"It's Dal, any chance he gets to add to his record he takes it."
"Yeah but maybe he's smartened up." Soda replied exiting the bathroom and practically pushed Pony to get to the kitchen.
"Excuse me." Ponyboy hissed at Soda, but they both apologized by yelling it through the house.
"Goodnight guys." Was the last thing both of them said before retiring into the bedroom.
"How about you go get some shut eye, you need the rest and no stress. Here." Darry demanded walking in front of me and extending his hand for me to take.
"Fine." I whined taking his hand and standing up.
"Goodnight Sara." Darry said as I retrieved my pjs from my room.
"Night Darry." I whispered to him before I closed the bathroom door behind me.

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