High School love

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Emiko POV

I met him in 10th grade . His name was Rayan Lopez. I had a crush on him for about a month until he finally asked me out .

We dated for a year until my parents found out that me and Ray were sexually active . My mom forced me to break up with him .

I remember that day like it was yesterday .

*** flash back ***


Friday Jan 6th , 2010

Today is my birthday . The day I turn 16. But I don't want a big party or gifts . I just want to spend the day with my girl Emiko .

* phone vibrates *
text from : Miko 💏💍

- good morning baby. happy birthday . you're finally 16 🙌. I have something special for you. call me later 😋

reply to : miko 💏💍

- thanks bae . love u too . can't wait for my surprise 😋 I'll be over in a few .

My parents barge into my room singing . My mom has a cake in her hand , my dad has a small box with a blue ribbon on it and my little brother has a card . They start singing .


my mom kissed my forehead.
" happy birthday to my oldest son . you will always be mommy's little rayray "

my little brother gave me a card

"here " he said.
" what are you waiting for open it !"

I smiled at him then ripped the envelope open . I didn't even read the card . I just went straight for the money .

" woah 1,600 dollars !? "

"yes ray . your 16 right ?" said my mom as she smiled at me

"right " I said

lastly my dad gave me a box . I'm praying it's the Rolex watch I've been begging for since 9th grade .
I unwrapped the paper. it was a Rolex box , but when I opened it it was a key .

I looked at my dad in disappointment .
" really dad , really... a key?"

"come here" he said.
"look outside the window ." I looked .

" you don't see it" he said
"boy come here "he grabbed me by the neck .

" you see across the street the shiny red Truck ? that's all yours"

my jaw dropped .

" what!!"

I snatched the keys out his hand and ran to my new baby . I sat inside and I blew the horn at my parents then I waved at them.

they waved back at me .

"Be safe Ray! I love you ! " my mom yelled as I drove off

when I got to the red light I pulled out my phone .

message to : miko 💏💍

- omw .

she replied back fast af

- finally 😩

***15 mins later ***

I pulled up to Emiko's house . it was huge . I always say that when I come to her house . I knocked at her front door then stepped back . A few seconds later an Asian women came to the door .

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