baby mama drama

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Emiko's POV

I laid on the bathroom floor . I cried for a while . Then my phone rang . It was ray . I tried to stop crying so he wouldn't hear it in my voice when I answered the phone .

I answered the phone .

" hello ... "

" baby what's wrong ? Lauren told me to call you , are you alright ? "

" I'm fine " I said

" something's wrong . im on my way , okay ? "

Ray's POV

I didn't even make it to the gym yet . I turned around and drove to Emiko's house.

I pulled up and parked in her drive way .

I knocked but she didn't answer . the door was unlocked so I just walked in .

" Emiko? "

I heard noise coming from the bathroom . She was hovering over the toilet and throwing up .

" what's wrong !? "

she looked up at me then started throwing up again . I kneeled down beside her and held her hair .

" ray , i think im pregnant ... I've been throwing up all morning . "

" huh ? " I said in shock .

" ray I could be pregnant ! " she said as she started throwing up again .

" well we can take a test to find out . do you have one ? " I asked her

" yea it's upstairs . "

She stood over the sink and rinsed her mouth out .

I went behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist.

" Emiko , listen .. pregnant or not I will always love you okay? "

" I know." she said .

She started walking up stairs . I followed her .

" are you ready ? " she asked me .

" yep . " I said .

she walked in her bathroom and closed the door behind her . She was in there for like 15 minutes .

I got up and knocked on the door .

" Emiko? " I had my hear against the door . I heard her sobbing .

I walked in the bathroom she was sitting on the floor . she had mascara running down her face.

" ray im going to be a mom " I couldn't tell if she was happy or mad .

" and im going to be a proud daddy "

I sat my hand on her stomach .

" hey little guy . daddy's going to love you , and spoil you so much . I love you ."

I kissed her stomach . It didn't look like she was pregnant at all . Her stomach was still flat .

she laughed at me .

" how do you know it's a boy ? "

" I don't know I just have a feeling " I said . I leaned in to Kiss her.

Then the door bell rang .

" it's probably lauren . " said Emiko .

then the person knocked on the door extra loud and hard.


the voice yelled . I looked out the window it was Kamryn

"who is it? " said Emiko

"it's... kamryn . but wtf is she doing here?!"

" I got this " she said

" no ! just ignore it she'll go away!" I said

" ray why are you acting like this ? I said I got it ! "

Emiko went down stairs to answer the door . I chased after her .

" miko just ignore her damn " I said trying to stop her .

she opened the door anyways .

" bitch can I fucking help you ! why the hell you knocking on my door like you the damn police !? "

" first of all don't call me no bitch . and second because I see my mans car in your damn driveway now where he at ! " kamryn was all in Emiko face yelling at her

" he not your man no more .did u not get the memo? HE . DONT . WANT . YOU . NO . MORE . I had to break it down for your slow ass . " Emiko got all in kamryn face .

kamryn pushed Emiko out the way .


I came from in the kitchen .

" can I help you? " I said .

" can you help me ? yes you can . you can start explaining wtf is going on here ! " kamryn yelled at me . she was all in my face .

I walked to Emiko and held her by the waist and rubbed her stomach

" I have nothing to explain kamryn . all I have to say is gtfo because your stressing her out and stress isn't good for pregnant people ! "


" this so called bitch is my future wife and future mother to my child . "

" I can't believe you right now ... I thought you loved me .. "

kamryn walked out the house

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