The doctors appoitment

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Ray's POV

" Ray get up! I told you I have a doctors appointment today" Emiko said as she yanked the covers off of me .

" uh... this early . "

" yes now get your ass up. We have to be there in 15 minutes."

" Alright , Alright . I'll be ready soon "

I got out of bed and went into the bathroom. I brushed my teeth , washed my face, then pulled my braids into a ponytail.

I walked out the bathroom. Emiko was sitting on the bed with her feet on top of two pillows .

"Alright im ready " I said as I walked towards the bed .

Emiko looked up at me . she stared at me as her eyes started to water "

" What's wrong baby?" I sat beside her on the bed and I held her hand.

" What is it miko "

"Ray , it just doesn't seem real. I can't believe I'm someone's mom now... Do you think we're moving too fast ? "

" Too fast ... no not at all. The time is just right . "

Emiko had a tear running down her face .

" no. don't cry. look , I'm here miko . I'm not going nowhere no matter what . we're gonna go through this together okay?"

I leaned in and kissed her softly.

She smiled at me then kissed me back.

" Come on miko. I have a baby I'm dying to meet " I said as I rubbed her belly.

She got up off the bed and put her shoes on.

We walked downstairs and left through the garage door.

" Which car are we driving? Mines or yours ?"

" Yours, I'm not letting you drive my baby " Emiko said as she laughed.

" I hope you know once we have the baby you're getting rid of this car"

" Um.. negative. I'm not getting rid of my car Ray . you must be smoking "

We both hoped inside my Range Rover .

" Emiko where the hell are you going to put a baby in a two door Benz ? "

" That's why we have your car. Hahaha Ray get over it . I'm not getting rid of my bmw. "

" Fine then " I said as I backed the car out of the driveway .

As I backed up the car , I seen Kamryn sitting on her porch . She mean mugged Emiko as we drove away.

" Ray that bitch is crazy. you seen the way she looked at me .. "

" Miko don't worry about her . "

" Does she know?"

" Does she know what ? " I asked her

" Don't play dumb Ray. does she know I'm pregnant ?"

" I don't know. If she does know it's probably because she's stalking the hell out of us because I never told her shit. "

" Oh . good because I don't want her ass up in our business. "

I laughed at her.

" Okay miko "

*10 minutes later*

We pulled up to the doctors office .
I parked the car.
We both got out of the car and we walked inside the office.

The receptionist greeted us with a smile.
" Hello , what are you here for today? " She asked us .

" We're here for an ultra sound " Emiko said .

" Okay. and your name ma'am ? "

" Emiko Smith "

" Ok Ms. Emiko . Your room is the room on the right . Your nurse will be with you shortly "

I held ray's hand as we walked to our room.

" Okay.. am I supposed to get undress or do I just sit here "

" You just sit there miko " I said as I laughed at her .

A Short Asian women walked into the room

" Hello , I'm Dr. Etsuko Sato and I'll be your nurse today "

" Hello " we both said.

" Ok Ms. Emiko , Can I get you to lay up here "

Emiko got on top of the table .

" And sir , I'm guessing you're the father ? "

" Yes I am "

" Well congratulations . Would you like to come on this side so you can see? "

I got up and stood beside Emiko as she layed on the table bed .

I grabbed her hand and kissed it.

The nurse lifted up Emiko's shirt and squeezed gelly like stuff on her stomach.

" So do you guys want To find out the sex of the baby today ?"

" Yes we do. " Emiko said to the nurse .

" Alrighty then . let's see. "
"Ok , so I believe you're 2 months right now "

"2months ! I can't be . you can barely tell I'm pregnant."

"That's because you're very small and you can't tell you're pregnant until atleast 4 months . depending on the size of the mother ." The nurse said as she laughed

The nurse moved the remote around Emiko's stomach .

" Aw there we go . there's the little baby . it was trying to hide in there "

" oh my god Ray look!"

I never seen Emiko this happy before . She was smiling from ear to ear .

" Yep there's your baby " the nurse said

" Let's see if we can find a penis " the nurse said and she kept moving the remote around miko's stomach.

" If we see a penis , it's a boy . if not , we know it's a girl"

" The baby has its hand over its private part haha so we can't determine the sex unless they more their little fingers out the way " the nurse said

" Look it moved it ! " Emiko said.

" Yes , it looks like ... It's a girl! Yes it's a girl! " the nurse said to us

Emiko starting crying

" We're going to have a baby girl Ray " she said as she smiled at me .

I felt a tear roll down my cheek .
" Yep we're going to have a baby girl "

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