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AN:  Cheryl didn't get sent to the Sister's, but everything else happened. So basically, they haven't kissed nor confessed their feelings for each other, but they are friends. Oh but Cheryl did kick Penelope out. 

Suggestion: Myself
Song: Collide by Rachael Platten (aka my current favorite song. I think it goes with Choni pretty well).

Cheryl walked down the hall confident as ever. This was because a certain pink-haired Serpent walked beside her, making her giggle like no else has ever. 

Veronica and Kevin were deep into conversation, but both lost their thoughts as they saw the unusual pairing walking and laughing down the hallway. 

"What are you looking at?" Cheryl asked once she noticed the stares.

"Just my OTP thriving." Kevin replied.

"Seriously, you two look so much like a couple right now." Veronica told them.

"We're just friends." Cheryl said firmly before pulling Toni away from their gushing friends.

Hearing this, Toni couldn't help herself from being disappointed. Anyone with eyes and a decent gaydar could tell that Toni had a crush on Cheryl.  The word was ringing in her ears.


Of course it was Toni's fault. Falling for a closeted girl? Rookie mistake. Toni didn't even know if she was even gay, or if it was just that one girl. Still, Toni felt a little heartbroken from the word. Every time Toni comforted Cheryl and Cheryl held her hand or hugged her, Toni could feel her heart breaking because she knew that Cheryl could never be hers. Toni washed her sorrows away as she walked in the science room.

But, Cheryl being Cheryl, she couldn't admit her feelings towards Toni. Obviously she had a crush on Toni, but it could never come out. But Cheryl also didn't know one small detail. That Toni liked her back. 

It was clear why Cheryl had a crush on Toni. 

Toni had been the only person to actually talk to her like she was a human. Not some robot. Cheryl had never felt more confident, comfortable, beautiful, safe or loved then she did with Toni (aside from Jason, of course). 

Cheryl had even come out to Toni, which was hugely unexpected. Toni just made Cheryl feel. Cheryl hasn't felt like this towards someone since Heather. 

"Cheryl, you there?" Toni asked Cheryl waving her hand in front of the currently dazed out girl.

"Hm? Oh yeah, sorry just..." Cheryl began.

"Gazing at the football players?" Toni said, almost sad. 

"What? No." Cheryl blushed. She couldn't possibly tell Toni what she was actually thinking. 

"Sure. Wait, do you like one of them?" Toni asked. 

"I don't like them." Cheryl muttered looking down at her lunch.

"Hmm. But you do have a crush." Toni smirked, trying to hide her feelings.

"Maybe I do." Was all Cheryl could reply, "What about you, Topaz? Someone catch you eye?" Cheryl asked.

"Yeah." Toni said quietly looking at the floor. 

"Ooh! You must tell!" Cheryl gushed hiding her own disappointment.

"I'll tell you when you tell me." Toni told her. Cheryl rolled her eyes but continued to eat her lunch. 

"Fine. Maybe I will if something happens." Cheryl replied. 


"Where do you live?" Cheryl asked Toni when they were both laying on Cheryl's bed watching Netflix, "Not that I don't like the company, but we are always at my house. I've never seen your place."

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