Lost Innocence

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Is the excitement that came with going to Papa's check cashing store

Eager to catch a sneak peek into the adult world

It's the countless catchphrases I stole from my favorite uncle

And the sincere desire to learn how to laugh with my whole heart like my Dad

It's the dream of being the first football player to score a touchdown on the Moon

Or the first doctor to cure cancer by day and Alzheimer's by night

It sounds like the Christmas jingle bells that dance at midnight

Smells like a freshly cut soccer field on a Saturday afternoon

And tastes like Waffle House's famous chocolate chip waffles


Is the weighted sadness that came with leaving my best friend's house

And the anxious stress that came with trying to find a good hiding spot so I could stay longer

It's the sinking uneasiness that came with being called on to speak in class

And the indescribable fear that came with hearing Mom count to three

Innocence was given to me the first time God blessed this body with air

And was stolen from me the first time you showed me your True Colors


You are the Red anger swims in my veins and the disappointment that rattles my bones

You are the monster who stomped out my willpower and the demon who crucified my emotions

You are both the fear that holds my tongue and the sadness that floods my conscience

Your dangerous indifference is why I struggle with feeling comfortable around strangers

Your deceptive smile and White lies are why I have trust issues with genuine feelings

And I know it's "unfair" to blame a girl like you

A girl who, in theory, is supposed to be a dream come true for a guy like me

But I can't take responsibility for the Blue bruises you left on my heart

I can't be held accountable for the broken promises that cut deep and are still protruding from my flesh

Or the lost feelings I'm still praying to re-experience someday


Was closing my eyes and only ever seeing a future with you

It was storing your name in my lungs like it was the only type of oxygen my body could withstand

It was proudly standing up in your honor

Fighting to my death in your defense

And never growing tired of holding your hand as we walked down the hallways

It was thinking you were perfect

That you could do no wrong

It was believing we were compatible

A match made in Heaven itself

It was ever, for the slightest moment, hoping that we would ever be on the same page

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