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Dopamine Days...

Slide into Nicotine Nights and I'd be lying if I said that I minded having you by my side

It's true

Sometimes I can feel the wings trying to protrude through my spine just so I can muster up enough courage to come fly with you

Get high with you

Touch the sky and.. whatever may be hiding behind it too

Your eyes

Hand crafted by the moon

Your temper

Hotter than the days in June

Your mistakes...

You try not to let them define you

Confine you

Wrap around your conscience and bind you but it's hard

It's hard to walk away and leave the past behind when all you can think about is the demons that endlessly poke at your mind at night

It's true

You told me

That there's no way to replace the void he left in your chest

So you substitute emotions for paranoia

Refusing to get close to me or any other boy or man who weaves stories like children break toys

And how it annoys you to walk around holding poise in your voice knowing poison like him are still alive spoonfeeding glorious lies into other womens' minds

It's true

But I'm not like him

And in due time you'll see what I mean when I tell you I know how to treat the girl of my dreams

The girl who switched my nights with nicotine and traded days for dopamine

I told you that my wings are made of wax and my heart is made of glass so trust me when I say that I know getting close to you is a risk but I'm...


My friends call it reckless and outrageous and I tell them that this is what Poets do when they find people like you that leave them Breathless and Brainless

We become drunk Cupids shooting our arrows so aimless as though the blood from our last heartbreak never happened and we were always this stainless

The pain just... Disappears

And I know it sounds weird but being with you makes me forget there was ever such a thing as fear

So with wax wings and a glass heart I prepare to depart toward the star known to others as your smile

Better yet, your laughter

Better yet, everything about you that makes the beats in my chest pump faster

And faster

And faster

Until I master the art of being comfortable with having you as the pinnacle of things that matter to me


People will tell stories about the boy who fought kings and

Made things and

Learned to sing and

Grew wax wings all to kiss the girl who had become the Sun

And they'll call him...


Black Boy FlyWhere stories live. Discover now