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dear seohyun,

thank you for loving me, thank you for the years that you gave to me and for endlessly supporting me. i love you, i don't say it enough but i do. we don't agree with a lot of stuff but one thing we do, is that we couldn't live without each other's backs. thank you for being my support system, my confidante, and my other half.

i'm writing this to you because i'm letting you go, i've seen you pushing yourself for me, for making sure i'm okay, i'm doing well. but not seeing yourself not happy because of me, you need to me happy seo. you can do that even without me. now i'm writing this to tell you that you have to find your happiness too, chase for it, dream it, and wait for it to happen. i know you always tell me that i'm your happiness delight, but now it isn't. is it because you grew tired of waiting for me? waiting for me to come back when your heart is tired already?

i'm sorry for that seo, i know i failed you because of that. but throughout the years we've been together, i've never regretted a single one of it. you never failed to make me happy. now it's time for me to bring back that happiness to you. i'm sorry and i love you, i'm doing this for you. you have to go on without me, you deserve better than me. find that happiness and never let it go.

i trust you the way no else and no time nor distance apart can ruin the bond we had. so many jokes, tears, memories, and laughter, fights and dreams we've come a long way and have much farther to go.

i'm letting you go seohyun, find that happiness in you, without me.
goodbye, it's not the end. it's not forever.

thank you, i'm sorry, i miss you and i love you. til we meet again.

so i guess it ends here, we'll go our separate ways and hope that we'll see each other in the near future.

thank you,


𝐚 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐭𝐨𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐭𝐨𝐨 𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞Where stories live. Discover now