Chapter 1

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Cheyenne POV

"Chey wake up." My dad said knocking on my door
"No go away." I yelled still laying down
"Get up and get dressed I need to talk to you." He said through my door
"Why its Saturday let me sleep." I said with an attitude
He walked in my room "Because I said so now get yo ass up."
"Alright just get out." I said throwing a pillow at him.
"Hurry up then." He said getting up. I got out my bed and walked in my bathroom and did my hygiene. I decided to leave my hair curly wild. I decided to text my boyfriend Lorenzo and tell him to come and get me. He told me he was on his way. I walked down stairs to see my dad in the kitchen eating.
"Wassup why you waking me up at 10 in the morning?" I asked rolling my eyes and getting some food.
"Because we're going to see your mother today." He told me making me stop what I was doing and look at him.
"What!? I'm not going to see her." I spat out.
"Why not its been 4 years Chey?"
"Because I don't want to see. She should've thought about seeing me before she murdered somebody." I told him with no sympathy. I hate my mother and I'm starting to dislike my father too. My mother decided to go out and commit a crime that would take her away from me forever and she just expects me to be okay with it. She was my first best friend and she just went got locked up. I had to go through a lot of the things a daughter needs her mother for myself. I also had the help of my best friends Amari and Nadia. And plus I have my boyfriend Lorenzo he makes sure I want for nothing.
"It's your mother and she wants to see you."
"Well you can't make me see her. If she wants to see me tell her I'll wait until she gets out." I said receiving a text from my Lorenzo saying he was outside.
"But I can make you go-" I cut him off before he could finish.
"No you can't I'm leaving I'll see you later have a nice visit." I said grabbing my purse and leaving.
I get in Lorenzo car and start shaking my head.
"What's wrong with you ma?" He asked pulling off
"He's trying to go make me see her again." I said crossing my arms and rolling my eyes.
"So you're just never gonna go see her Chey?" He asked. He knows all about my mother and what she did. Me and Lorenzo grew up together at first we were just best friends but I always had a slight crush on him. I would flirt sometimes and say little things here and there. I guess he caught on one day because he asked me to be his girlfriend our sophomore year. I guess you could say I found my lover and my best friend.
"No if she wanted to see me so bad she should've never did what she did so that couldn't see me at." I told him getting up set. I hate my mother for going away like she did and leaving me.
"I know she hurt you. But maybe you should go see her and tell her how you feel." Lorenzo said Irritating me even more.
"Oh my god now you sound like him. Why can't y'all just leave me the fuck alone about it. If I don't wanna see her I don't wanna see her." I snapped. I turned my back towards him looking out the window. He didn't argue back because this is a touchy subject for me. I heard him shake his head because of his windbreaker. Then he turned up the music. Neither of us spoke for a couple of minutes. I started to feel bad because he was only trying to help so I said something.
I turned down the music. "Babe I'm sorry for snapping at you. It's just I get so mad every time I think about the situation."
"Nah I'm sorry for pushing you I know how hard it is on you." He said looking at me.
"I love you for trying and I'll think about going okay just don't pressure me." I told him grabbing his hand.
"Okay I won't and I love you too. And know you didn't get in my car without showing me some love." Lorenzo said squeezing my thigh. I smiled and leaned over kissing him.
"Yea that's better." He said making me laugh a little.
"Speaking of thinking about things have you thought about how you're gonna handle the West siders coming to our school." I asked
"Man fuck them Weak siders! If they think they about to come up in our shit and run things they some damn fools. Especially that nigga Clarence and his crew Ima be waiting on them niggas." Renzo said. I shake my head at him. This drama with the East side and West side is never ending. I think it pointless but if my man gone step best believe I am too.
"Babe this is out senior year. Can we please just get through this year so we can get out of this city and we won't ever have to see them people again." I told him smiling.
"I'll try and keep my coo but you never Chey."
"Its not hard to try Zo but where are we going boy?"
"I gotta go meet the boys then to get some food I know yo ass hungry." He joked
"Yes what would I do with out you." I said doing a little dance.
"Be horny all the time and hungry." He said making me stop dancing.
"You're annoying." I said playfully pushing him.

Typhany POV

"Typhany don't walk away from me." The women who I used to call "Mom" yelled "You need to respect me and follow the rules in this house."
She nothing but a drunk, ever since my dad died 2 years ago been drinking and bringing random men home all the time. She doesn't even care that I'm here either. My mother doesn't care about me and that's really like a stab in the back. I have no respect for her. Especially when you're so quick to bring home different men after you lose the love of you lose the love of your life.
I damn near take care of myself. None of our family wants anything to do with my mom and I guess they just for got about me. If it wasn't for my boyfriend and best friends I would be alone. But I do have a job working at Footlocker. I'm gonna have to slow down working since school is starting on Monday. Usually I'm excited to start school especially since its my last year. But the bad thing about this is we had to transfer school since out burnt down. And I know its gonna be a lot of drama because it and high school filled with all East siders.
See I'm from the West side and we don't get along with the East side. It's always a competition with them. Them east side bitches got mouths on them. Me and my bitches Roman and Joanne had to shut they asses up too. Also my boyfriend Clarence and our other best friends Keith and Christian are in the a gang and they have beef with the East gang. So I know we gotta work extra hard to keep them out of trouble. And Izzy goes there. Him and Clarence hate each other. So I really gotta watch his back. When he fight I fight. Plus the the first week of school marks 3 years since my dad died and I still have a hard time. But knowing Clarence and them they're not gonna let me mop around.
"Typhany do you hear me talking to you?" She asked me again before I walked out and slammed the door. I started walking down street to head to the store. She's stressing me out and I need food since her and her fling ate all the food I brought in the house. I call them her randoms I don't care to know there names. As I was walking down the street a black Camero pulled up beside me. I already knew it was Clarence.
"Damn yo ass couldn't wait 5 minutes." He said getting out the car and walking up to me.
"No because she was getting on my nerves and I'm hungry." I told him rolling my eyes. Me and Clarence met when we were in the 7th grade. When I say I couldn't stand that nigga like every day we would get into it. Normally I could cuss a nigga or female out and they gone shut up and my mouth is smart as hell. But nah not Clare he was not going. He was giving me a run for my money and I use to be so mad. When we got to the 8th grade he finally admitted that he liked me. At first I was skeptical but I had Ro and JoJo in my ear telling me to give a chance. So of course I did and we've been together ever since. Hes like my best friend but also gets on my nerves. He might come off as mean as fuck to everybody but he's a big ass teddy bear when it comes to me. He's my whole heart I would go crazy if anything happens to him. Plus he was close with my dad too and I love that.
"My bad bae I had to make this play." He told me grabbing my hand
"Whatever Clare." I said
"I'm sorry Typhh come here." He said pulling me into him and kissing me. I was trying to stay mad but I couldn't this mans lips are everything. I wrapped my arms around his neck when he pulled away. "I love you." He told me smiling at me.
I smiled back and said "I love you too."
"Good now come on lets go." He said opening the door of his car for me to get in. soon after he got in and pulled off.
"Where are we going anyways?" I said putting my seat belt on (Safety first kids)
"To the spot to make sure everything is good."
"Can we please go gets something to eat first babe I'm starving." I told him poking lip out.
"I was already planning on taking you to get something to eat before we went there cry baby. And don't do that lip shit you know I can't say no to that." He said placing one hand on my thigh.
"I knew my hunger meant something to somebody." I said leaning over and kissing his cheek.

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