Chapter 3

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Chey POV

"You look good as fuck you sure you don't wanna skip lunch?" Lorenzo asked coming behind me wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing my neck.
I giggled "Babe no you know we can't skip on the first day. So you're just gonna have to wait until later." I told him turning around in his arms and wrapping my arms around his neck.
He smacked his lips "I Don't wanna wait I wanna take this off you now." He said gripping my ass. I had on

"Babe later

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"Babe later." I said as we walked in the cafeteria.
"Fine and Ima tear yo ass up later too." He told me making me playfully roll my eyes.
"It's crazy they really go here." I said nodding my head in Clarence and them direction.
"Ain't nobody worried about them Chey. You know I keep that thang on me." He said patting his waist where his gun is.
I roll my eyes "Come on lets just go sit down I see Dia and Vonte." I said grabbing his hand and taking him over there to our table.
"Damn finally what took y'all so long?" Vonte asked as we sat down.
"Nigga you know how these teachers be trynna make us wait till the bell rings to leave." I told him "Hey sis." I said to Dia.
"Hey boo and babe you know how Mr. Greenfield be." Dia told her boyfriend
"Right. Where's Mari and Dlo?" I asked
"Probably somewhere fucking." Renzo said making everybody laugh.
"Man them niggas can't keep they hands off each other." Vonte said still laughing
"They don't care either." Nadia added
"You see ya people over there?" Vonte said
"Um, um not today. We not worrying about them today." I said rolling my eyes.
"Exactly Vonte It's the first day of our senior year can we just have a good one." Dia pushed him.
"Man whatever." Vonte said pushing her back.
"Wassup wit my niggas." Dlo said walking in with his arm over Mari shoulder and Bray right behind them.
"Why yo stupid ass gotta be so loud?" Mari said pushing his arm off her "Wassup Bitches." Mari said sitting down.
"Mari I done told yo ass about calling me a bitch." Lorenzo said
"Whoop my ass about it ugly." Mari told him poking her tongue out at him.
"Yo ass get on my nerves." Renzo said drinking his orange juice. I laughed because them two always arguing if it ain't her and Dlo it's her and Lorenzo.
"Y'all two always arguing." Bray said shaking her head "Mari I see yo fine ass brother over there." She bit her lip "I can't wait to get that dick again."
Everybody made a face at her.
"Girl Clarence don't want you he's happy with Typhh." Mari told her. Yes Mari is West sider and her brother is Clarence. But she's doesn't get into the whole West vs. East beef. Plus she's been my girl for years and whenever Clarence and Lorenzo have beef she stays out of it or breaks it up.
"Girl he wasn't saying that when-" Bray started to say but was cut off by Lorenzo.
"Why don't you go over there and say something to him then Bray cause don't nobody wanna hear about that nigga over here."
"Hell no she can get something started." I said
"Right then I gotta break up her and Typhh and I gotta hear my brother mouth for being around yo ass." Mari added "Typhh already in a bad mood anyways."
"Man she ain't gone do it." Vonte said challenging her.
"Who not?" Bray asked.
"Babe stop cause you know she will." Dia said shaking her head. We all know Bray will do it this bitch ain't got no chill or filter and will fight anybody. She's pretty as hell but she's crazy.
"Y'all really testing my gangsta right now?" Bray asked crossing her arms.
"Shit I don't give a fuck cause you gone do what you wanna do anyways." Dlo said eating some fries.
"Bray don't do it cause if that was yo man you wouldn't want no bitch coming up to you talking shit trynna get yo nigga." I told her "And y'all stop egging her on."
"Man ain't nobody egging her on baby she grown and can think for herself." Lorenzo said shrugging his shoulders.
"Izzy's right I do what I wanna do and plus I think I need to show them that us East siders don't give a fuck." Bray said walking over there.
"Remind me to beat yo ass later Izzy." Mari said following her to stop her.
"Babe why would you do that?" I said about to get up and go over there.
He pulled me back down "Hell nah sit yo ass back down cause if one of them say something to you or put a hand on you then it's gone be a problem."
"Oh but it's okay for them to say something to Bray or touch her. And nigga you know I know how to handle myself." I said getting up and going over there anyways Dia followed behind me. When I walked over there Mari was talking to them she looked at me giving me a look to get Bray.
"Bray can I talk to you real quick?" I asked pulling her arm.
"Yea Bray lets just go back to the table." Dia added.
"Hold on one sec y'all." She told us then turned to Clarence "So Clare when you gone give me that dick again?" She asked smirking. The one with the freckles I think his name is Keith chocked on his drink a little. I would've laughed but now's not the time. Everybody looked at her then Typhh and Clarence.
"Bitch you are pathetic." Typhh said about to get up but Clarence pushed her back down.
Bray laughed "Girl I was talking to Clarence and I'm still waiting on his answer."
"And you're not gonna get one. Y'all happened once when we were broken up a year ago for 3 months. You need to let it go sus you shouldn't be so thirsty."
"Yo why you trynna start shit Bray? What we did happened and now it's over and I'm back with my girl. So us ever fucking again not gone happen." Clarence told her looking at her. "I don't know why you even let her come over here for Mari."
"Bruh I tried to stop her." Mari said shaking her head.
"Come on Bray lets just go back to our table." I said
"Yea take her hoe ass back over there." Typhh said mugging Bray.
"Bitch you calling me a hoe cause I was fucking with yo nigga." Bray laughed again "You mad." She said laughing and pointing at Typhh. I guess that was the last straw for Typhh because she hoped up and jumped over Clarence getting in Bray face. Everybody was looking at us at this point.
"Wassup Bray you trynna fight or something?" She asked pushing her.
Clarence got up and got between them "Aye Bray take yo ass on somewhere cause now you pissing me off."
"Why Clare you know you miss all of this." Bray said rubbing her hand down her body.
"Man Typhh you want me to beat her ass cause I most definitely will." Her friend Roman told her standing up.
"We can really tag team the hoe." Her other friend JoJo asked.
"Hold on now cause ain't nobody jumping nobody." I cut in stepping in front of Bray.
"Girl ain't nobody gotta jump her I can beat that bitch ass myself." Typhh said pushing Clarence out the way.
"So tell your friends to sit down." I told her crossing my arms. I know Bray came over here starting shit but I'm not letting them gang up on her.
"I don't gotta tell them to do nothing. But you tell yo hoe ass friend to go find her some business and leave my nigga alone." Typhh said crossing her arms too.
"Girl I ain't gotta do shit." Bray said standing next to me.
Dia laughed a little then said "Then I guess Ima slide both of y'all."
JoJo and Ro came and stood next to Typhh "Well then I ain't gotta tell them to do shit."
"Come on y'all let's just go back over there. I'm not about to have y'all fighting." Mari said standing in the middle of all of us.
Typhh spoke "Mari you my sis and all but stay out of it cause this bitch should've been got her ass beat and anybody who" She used air quotes "'Has her Back' can get beat the fuck up too." She said looking at me sizing me up.
"Oh bitch I know you not talking to me." I Asked sizing her up too.
"But I am bitch so wassup." Typhh told me looking me in my eyes. I looked her back in hers cause don't no bitch scare me.
"Chey I know yo ass not over here arguing with these Weak siders." Lorenzo said walking over to us with Dlo and Vonte. Keith and Christian stood up too. Here we go. I thought to myself.
He stood in front of me and and go in Typhh face "We got a problem?"
Clarence moved Typhh out the way "My nigga Ima need you to get out of my girls face."
"Or what nigga you in my school remember that." Izzy spat out.
"Nigga I don't give a fuck about this punk ass school." He responded back "You feeling intimidated cause we here?" Clarence laughed a little "Man take yo ass back over there."
Lorenzo got in Clarence face more and clenched his jaw and Clarence did the same.
Before either one of them could say anything a security guard walked over to us "Do we have a problem?"
We all shook our heads no.
Lorenzo chuckled "Nah we just welcoming our new students. Welcome to the new school." He grinned "Come on y'all." Lorenzo said taking my hand and walking away.
"This shit is fucking annoying bruh. Bray leave my brother alone and leave me out of y'all mess." Mari said walking away with Dlo right behind her. Everybody else went back to what they were doing and we went back to our table.
So much for a good first day.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2018 ⏰

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