Chapter 1

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Zinnia Brooks hugged her file tightly to herself, the other hand texting rapidly on her phone. Walking towards her classroom, the fifteen year old sighed as she read her best friend's, Kimberly Jackson's, most recent texts.

Hey Zinnia
I was wondering
Do you think Lenny is a good match for you?
I mean, we're pretty young to have boyfriends but still
I think he likes you
Think about it

Lenny was well-known in her school as "the boy with the acne" and it seemed as if puberty had hit him harder than most. Irritation coursed through her as she felt the full extent of mockery in Kimberly's text. Instead of replying, the girl just ignored the texts, wondering for the millionth time why she had such a -


She felt her file tumble to the ground and her papers flew out on the floor. Looking for the culprit who had bumped into her, she found herself looking at a boy rubbing his head indignantly.

"Sorry-- I wasn't looking where I was going, it's my fault." he sighed, kneeling down and helping her pick up her papers. She knelt down too, and found herself wondering who this boy was.

"What's your name?" she asked curiously.

"Not telling, you'll laugh." the boy replied, avoiding her gaze.

"I won't, promise." she pushed eagerly. The boy hesitated, and finally relented.

"I'm Arctic. Arctic White." he muttered under his breath. Just then, Zinnia noticed a scar on his arm as his jacket sleeve lifted slightly. Feeling her breath catch slightly, she snatched her papers out of Arctic's hands.

"Meet me at the library after school. I need to talk to you." she stalked off, leaving Arctic to wonder what he had done.

Zinnia hurried to class, trying to ignore the boy behind her who probably felt offended - if not, flattered that he had been "asked out". Her knowing smile darkened to a frown, however, as she recalled the scar on his arm -- the "trademark" of someone who cut themselves.

She wondered why Arctic was cutting himself. She knew that she herself had been tempted to try it, but was scared of inciting more patronising remarks from Kimberly. Still, she longed from an escape -- from both school and family.

Shaking her head to drive these morbid thoughts out of her head, Zinnia walked into class, a few minutes before the bell rang.

The Spiral of AcceptanceTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang