Chapter 10

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Zinnia watched Arctic's retreating back. She sighed as she saw him run off to... Somewhere. His classroom, probably, or the library. Again, she had messed things up, and there probably wouldn't be any way to fix it.
The warning bell rang from overhead. Time to go to remedial class - History remedial, to be specific. There were rumours that this new teacher was "the best" - apparently he made sure all remedial students topped their classes, and Zinnia had heard from her friend that he made you enjoy History.

The girl got off the table and walked out of the classroom, in the exact same direction Arctic had exited. As she walked, she tried to distract herself from Arctic, instead thinking about how much she would enjoy inferring that ancient civilisations had a social hierarchy. Yay.

As she sat down, she eyed the table beside her. It was the only seat empty, and the remedial class was starting in five minutes. If this was the forth third or even second lesson, she would have been able to guess who it was, but this was the first History remedial lesson of the year.

The moment he walked in, the bell rang. Both Arctic and Zinnia stared at the other in shock - surely fate was kind enough not to place them in the same class?

Zinnia averted her eyes and stared at the table even as the stood up to greet the teacher. Arctic avoided looking at her as well, the blond boy trying to lose himself in the lesson.

After the lesson was over, with both of the Secondary Three students ignoring each other, Zinnia watched as Arctic picked up his bag and walked out. He didn't even turn around once. The girl packed her things quickly and ran after him, desperate to salvage the pieces of their brief friendship.

As she caught up to him, Arctic pretended to be looking at his phone. However, Zinnia could see the droplets of salt water dripping on the black screen as he ignored her presence.

"Arctic... I'm sorry I said that. I shouldn't have... I don't know what I was thinking." she stammered, not sure what to say.

"You were thinking that you don't want to get yourself involved with a crazy person like me." spat the blue-eyed boy, walking faster to conceal the fact that he was still crying.

"Damn it, Arctic. That's not what I was thinking. I thought you would understand that..." She trailed off, casting about for the guilt coursing through her veins.

"That what? Understand that John is just a funny quirk of mine that is here to provide some entertainment?" The venomous words, all directed at her, made her stop in her tracks. Arctic didn't even notice - he just kept walking.

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