Chapter 2

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Standing outside the courtroom, trying to dwell on the fact that this is the end. She was more uncomfortable and sad than Hanna. Trying once again to stop her best friend from making another possible mistake but,.. all she could do was try.

"Han? You remember what I said to you 10 years ago?" she asked grabbing her hands. "In front of this old crappy courthouse?"

"I-I do Spence..I remember...I wish I listened to you that time" she was looking down at the ground.

"Are you sure Hanna?" She asked one last time. "Look I-I know it's your life and y-you've been through a lot but still..D-Do you want to do it?"

"I-I've been having a lot of second thoughts..but I-I can't stand this fact that he did this to me and..t-to his child..Our child..I'm done Spence! I really need to do this" She said sadly, rubbing her hands together nervously, like she does in every bad situation.

"O-okay then!" She replied taking Hanna's hands in hers once again in a comforting manner. "I wish it doesn't turn out the way it does before"

Just when they were about to turn around a voice reached their ears. Begging them to stop and listen but Hanna wasn't even ready to listen to him.

"Hanna! Han" his breathing was upheaval and eyes were red and puffy. "Listen up please..Hanna!" he screamed again, finally grabbing her arm and turning her around.

"Hanna! Please listen..I-I really need to talk" he said in a begging tone. "Can-can we please think this through again? Please?"

"Nothing's left to talk about! You had your chance and you ruined it Jordan" she yelled. "I'm not going to have this conversation with you right here!" she said with a cold voice. "Just go inside, sign the papers and we're done" she turned around and barged inside without listening to another word, leaving Spencer outside.

She was staring at the building. The old, rusty courthouse was the same just like it was 10 years ago...realizing how fast time changes! how fast people change their colors.

"Spencer!" she yelled.  "Come on! I can't miss my own wedding" she laughed.

"Han! D-do you..No never mind" she interrupted herself and smiled as she looked at her best friends happy expressions.

"What is it Spence?" she asked noticing the awkwardness in her tone.

"No! nothing. Let's go it's your big day" she tried to turn over the awkward situation with pretended expressions of excitement.

"No Spence! Say what you have in your mind..please" she pleaded looking at her puppy face, confused.

"I-I just...Are you sure you want to do this? I-I mean you're just 16 and a-are you sure J-Jordan is the one?" she spat hesitatingly looking at Hanna's face.

"I know Spencey! I know you're worried but I love him and he loves me and we want to do this!" she squealed in excitement.

"Y-yeah I understand" she smiled back looking at her happiness. "Forget I said something" she laughed.

"Just come on..! I don't want to be late" she jumped holding her hands. Her heels were clacking and the flowers were giving off a scent of purity and refreshment.

"Spencer!" she called out her name. "Come on..Let's get this over with" her voice wasn't soft like the usual Hanna. It was cold, like her heart and her mind but she was still that stubborn Hanna Marin who fought with everyone 10 years ago to marry Jordan Hobart and now this is the end of them.


"Lieutenant Tanner?" Furey shouted as there was another rush in the Rosewood PD that day. Another call from the same untraceable number but for a completely different reason which dropped like a lightning shot of thunder and a chill ran through the veins of the PD forces.

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