Diplomatic Mission

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[By : thisdorkyficthing on AO3]

Loki was absurdly bored. He hated being stuck doing these diplomatic missions on behalf of his brother, but what else was he really good for? He was small, looked non-threatening and could talk his way out of most any situation. Really, he kind of brought this on himself.

But why did he always have to be seated next to the dwarves. Ugh, did they even bathe?

He sneered and shifted in his seat, twisting away from the offending creature mere inches from his person.

One of the large doors creaked open behind Odin as he droned on and someone slipped inside. A lanky teenager with long blond hair and splotchy tan silently filled the empty seat beside the Allfather.

Ah, Odin's little boy. But not so little anymore it seemed. He'd grown quite a bit since Loki had last visited. Well, this made everything more pleasant He always liked a little eye candy.

Bright blue eyes caught his stare. Loki held it, the corner of his mouth curving up ever so slightly. Thor blushed bright pink and quickly looked away.

Perhaps this trip could be salvaged.


He managed to catch Thor alone at dinner, stealing the seat beside him. He brought a pint of ale along with him, laced with just a tiny bit of magic to help loosen him up.

"Hello there, Thor," He said, setting down the drink in front of Thor and taking a sip of his own. "You are allowed ale, right? Or are you still too young for it?"

"I can drink," Thor said almost petulantly, taking a long drink and humming softly at the taste.

Loki put up his hands defensively. "I meant no offence, darling. I just wanted to be sure, my brother would be very cross if I started a war because I got Asgard's heir drunk."

Thor looked at him sideways and took another sip of his ale.

Loki grinned at him. "You've grown so much since I last saw you. You were just a little boy, and look at you now: All man."

That made Thor blush and he quickly looked away, biting down on a pink lip. Up close Loki could see the smattering of freckles that still spread across the slope of his nose and the apples of his cheeks, something from his youth that still clung onto him, keeping him young and delectably innocent looking.

Loki rested his elbow on the table, leaning in closer to Thor, narrowing his eyes slightly. "You've really taken after your mother. So lovely, like a flower."

Thor looked back at him, seeming annoyed at the comparison. "A flower?"

Loki laughed softly. "Oh, Thor, it's a complement. Don't take it like a slight. You're beautiful. Being so doesn't diminish your strength or virility." Loki leaned in farther, winking at Thor. "If anything, it adds to it. Disarmingly beautiful but with formidable strength to back it, how many can claim such a thing?"

Thor blushed darker, his mouth quirking into a smile.

"Mm, even better now."

Thor was flustered, pushing his hair back and fidgeting. "Why are you talking to me?"

Loki leaned back, shrugging his shoulders. "I'd thought I'd catch up a bit."


Loki was quiet, letting his gaze linger on Thor's body, his tongue darting out to wet his lips. Thor cleared his throat and Loki forced his eyes upwards. Thor shifted in his seat.

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