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I woke up at noon; it felt so nice getting a good night's rest. I was already excited to see Roger later this evening; I didn't know what it was, I hardly even knew him, but I felt something last night.

I was famished, so I decided to go out exploring today. I threw on an old black dress, got ready, and left. Unfortunately, London was much larger than the small town I grew up in; everything was so big and I ended up getting lost. Like, really lost. After asking for directions, I finally got back to my hotel, but by then it was already eight. I didn't have time for a shower, so I just touched up my makeup and figured if might as well show up to the bar early.

I showed up at the bar and noticed that there was no equipment on the stage. I was positive that this was the same bar I was at last night, and I hoped the plan hadn't changed. But then I heard someone call out my name, I turned around and saw Roger waving at me. I walked over to him and sat down at the table. "How long have you been here?" I asked.

"About ten minutes or so," he replied.

"I thought you said you had a gig tonight? the stage is bare and I thought you'd be on in 20 minutes."

"Well," he started, "I kind of lied, I do have a gig tonight, but it starts at ten." I raised my eyebrow and smiled. "What?" he said, "I wanted to talk to you a little more, what's so wrong with that?"

"Nothing, I think it's kind of... sweet."

There was a brief pause, but then he asked, "so how long have you been in London?"

"Well, a little over twenty-four hours."

"You mean to tell me that your first night here you watched my band perform?"

I nodded, "yeah, great start to the trip if you ask me."

"So what did you do today?"

"I got incredibly lost; I spent my day finding my way back home."

"Oh, you poor thing, you'll get the hang of it in no time."

"I hope so," I laughed, "and how was your day?"

"Quite uneventful, I stayed home all day."

"That does sound rather boring."

At that moment, the guitarist of the band walked in and sat down next to Roger. "Hello, Roger," he said, then turned to me, "and who is this?"

"This is Meg; I met her after the gig last night and invited her to tonight's. Meg, this is Syd, he's the guitarist and lead singer of the band."

Syd put out his hand and shook mine, "it's very nice meeting you," he said, "I guess I do remember you from last night, you were the one who kept Roger from helping us," he turned to Roger and shot a look at him.

"I'm sorry," I said smiling at Syd, "it won't happen again."

"Good," he said, "it better not, I'll be keeping an eye on you tonight."

Eventually the final two members of the band showed up. Roger introduced me to the drummer, Nick, and the keyboardist, Rick; they both seemed absolutely delightful. Roger shared a flat with Nick and Rick. I found it amazing how passionate they all were about music and their band. in no time, I felt like one of the guys; drinking, laughing, and telling stories.

However, the time came to start getting ready for the show. They all got up and began walking towards the stage, I sat in my hair and watched them. "Aren't you coming?" Roger asked. I was a little surprised, but I nodded my head and followed them.

Roger and I talked the whole time he got ready. he told me that he went to architecture school with Nick and Rick, and because Roger had gotten into an argument with one of his professors, he didn't receive an architecture license. "All that work for nothing?!" I said in shock. he nodded his head, "let me tell you, my mum was none too happy. Luckily I work in an architecture firm as an intern, but still..."

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