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Syd was sprawled across the bed; his arm was even resting on me. I was able to manage getting out from underneath his arm without waking him up, went out to the kitchen to get a cup of coffee. It was a little early, but I liked the morning. After a brewed a pot of coffee, Syd groggily walked into the room, “Did you even come to bed last night? Or did you sleep out here all night?” He asked.

“Yeah, I did, but you were already asleep. I tried really hard not to wake you,” I replied.

“Well, I didn’t here you come in, I slept rather well, actually.”

I laughed, “I woke up with your arm on me, so I had to use my ninja skills to crawl out from underneath.”

Syd blushed and smiled, “Oh… If you would’ve come to bed sooner, you could have gotten more action.”

            The smell of coffee now filled the house, and everyone else magically began to wake up and wander into the main room. We sat out on the patio, drinking and eating cereal, when Jude noticed a pier and the outline of a small town in the distance. “Roger, could we go there today or tomorrow? Wouldn’t that be fun?”

Roger sighed, “What if you girls went out shopping, and we stay here. Then we could meet up for lunch.” Jude gave Roger a ticked off, he shrugged, “Maybe if you get to know each other a little better, you’ll get along.”

Jude snuggled against Roger, “I guess. I’ll miss you though. I never get to see you anymore…”

“Darling, we have the whole weekend together, go out with Meg and have some fun, okay?”

I popped my head up, “Wait, I’m going?”

Roger chuckled, “You are a woman, right?”

I nodded my head, “I suppose so.”

“Then it’s settled, you two go get ready, and we’ll meet you there,” Roger said.

            I think everyone knew that Jude and I didn’t exactly get along, I was almost certain that we’d rip each other’s heads off by the end of the weekend. We walked down the beach, and didn’t really have much to say; small talk didn’t even get us half way to the pier.

            We got to the humble town, and it was filled with shops that Jude was dying to check out. I was never that much of a shopper; I’d have rather stayed with the boys. We went into a boutique; as she checked out dresses and blouses, I aimlessly wandered through the shop. I picked up a lovely blue silk scarf, and tried it on.  I looked in a mirror that was by the display and heard a man quietly say, “That color really brings out your eyes.” I glanced over to see a man with blonde curly hair looking over at me.

“Oh, why thank you. It’s such a lovely color…” I replied.

“Well it’d take a lovely lady to pull it off…” he added.

I smiled at him, “Well, that’s very kind of you,” I said putting the scarf back down, “Are you a local?”

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