How I love my Life (A WxW Competition One-Shot)

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Derek's POV

There's a lot of people who say that they have bad lives. That they wish they would have them fixed in order to be happy. I'm not like them. I didn't grow up with everything. My parents aren't rich or anything. I don't live in a big house or anything. My parent's clean houses. I have 3 brothers and no sisters. We live in an Apartment. We don't get much food. Yet I don't mind. 

I don't think the reason for that is that something or someone came into my life or anything like that. No. I'm happy. Because I know that I've been given so much even if to others it's not a lot. I might be smaller in stature at 5"7 but I'm fast and Athletic. I play on the football team as the First String WR and 2nd String CB. Of course, it's not like I didn't have to try to get into football. Or reach where I've reached. No, I worked for it and gained it myself. But that's not the whole story. My Story of Derek Garcia.

"Derek!" I was walking down the halls of school yawning as I heard my name being called. 'huh?' I turned to look at the voice and saw Hugo running down the halls towards me. I was too slow to react as he put his arm around my neck and pulled me in for a chokehold. "Gah!" I tried to pry his hands away as he laughed and then let go. "Come on Bro, how're you going to get caught like that? You're supposed to be the star of the football team. You can't be that slow on my now!" I looked at him rubbing the back of my neck as I laughed and nodded. "Yeah, I guess I shouldn't have stayed up studying so late. 

"Bro, you actually study? Dang, I haven't met anyone who studies 's at this school all year!" I smiled sheepishly as I yawned again before I heard the bell ring. "Oh crap!" I started running down the halls towards the stairs making it up to the second floor of the school leaving Hugo behind. "Come on I can't be late to weight training!" When I finally made it I opened the door and Hit the door with respect for those before us. "Ah look at that our Star Player and Genius of the class decided to join us! How about it Derek? Anything to say?" 

I looked at Coach Rickards smiling and panting as I shook my head. "Well then, the sets and supersets are on the board. Get to it, you have 20 minutes." I nodded and took off my bag and jacket. Moving over to the board and smiled at the sight I saw. 6 Power Cleans, Minimum of 8 Pull-ups,  DB Alternating Benches, Midrows, Deadlifts, Sprinting D+B. "Now this is more like it!" It's not every day that I get 3 of my favorite exercises at once in a day before Football practice so today felt like it was going to be a great day that couldn't be ruined. 

"Yo wassup Derek." I looked over to my left and waved at Austin who was doing his Pull-ups. "Hey, how you doing?" I saw him make a little face as I laughed. "Yeah, I imagined. Work?" I saw him nod as I moved over to the Dumb Bells and picked up 2 40lb ones. "You sure that your small frame can handle those?" I smiled at him as I started doing benches with them. "Are you sure you shouldn't be the Star Player with your Sturdy Frame?" I saw him snicker as he left the weight room to run down and back from the parking lot. 

I focused back on my own things and set the DB down and moved over to the power cleans. Of course, I'm small have limits. It's not like I'm the strongest or anything. It's not like I can out jump a lot of people or anything. The thing that I had over others. Was my Will. At least that's what coach called what I had. I was a walk-on. I had never played football when I was younger. the only sport I actually played was Soccer and that was only for 2 years before I left Athletics for 7 years thanks to Money issues. 

In reality, the only reason I was playing now was because of those financial issues. Thanks to that the cost of playing went down from $588 - $100. "Hey come on Luis is that all you have?"  I was doing pull-ups at the time. I wasn't really focusing but I could feel the burn in my arm. "I know that you can do better. That's why you're who you are!" I smiled at the coach and looked back at the bar as I forced myself back up. "There you go! Just remember the words that drive you!" "Out work, Out Hit, Out Hustle!" I felt adrenaline rush through me as the coach gave a little scoff. 

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