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jeongguk focus

the huddled pair found it difficult to walk through the small school hallway ─ given to the fact that it was lunch and students were almost everywhere. though it was undescriptively loud, the only thing jeongguk and taehyung could hear was their own heartbeats.

taehyung clutched hard onto jeongguk's pinky ─ it being the only thing he could grab at the moment, and jeongguk constantly made sure the smaller boy was beside him. jeongguk decided to take matters in his own hands when taehyung nearly crashed himself into a locker, trying to not lose jeongguk's pinky, he intertwined their hands together and slighly pulled taehyung closer.

taehyung had his head down low, his eyelashes softly fluttering as if they were butterfly wings, his gaze was shy and unfocused. his lips occasionally parted apart ─ most likely to mention something but never made a sound. his cheeks were flushed a blush pink while he was slightly sniffling, being a bit sick. the oversized sweater which he was still wearing was now slidding down his shoulders with every step, revealing his alluring collarbones but taehyung would everytime tug the collar of the sweater closer to his neck. the black choker that was accompanied comfortably around his neck was now shown more clearly, the material was obviously made out of silk and in the middle, there was a small golden ring, and a golden star was hung from it. jeongguk constantly took small glances from time to time just to make sure this wasn't a dream but fuck, if it is, please don't wake him up.

the two students quietly walked out the back door and entered the school garden, since it was lunch, not many other lingered there. the garden contained so many different types of flowers and plants, some being anemones, irises, hydrangeas, and jeongguk's all favorites, buttercups.

jeongguk pulled taehyung into a rather secretive place, a maple tree ─ which was losing leaves at the moment, it was hidden well behind layers of pumpkin patches and rose thorn bushes. not many came there due to the pumpkins often laying out disgusting stretches, and the rose thorns being rather hard to take off.

taehyung curiously let his eyes travel to the rose bushes, watching and observing the dying flowers before unexpectly tripping forward, but of course ─ jeongguk acted fast. he quickly pulled taehyung into his hold, a yelp which escaped the shorter's lips almost sent jeongguk into laughter. taehyung clutched tightly onto jeongguk's grey hoodie, burying his face into the other's neck in surprise.

jeongguk couldn't believe the fact that he was so small. he could fit in a child bed without no hast at all. and he loves it. jeongguk's fact burst into a dark crimson red at the position they were in, sadly, jeongguk body could not hold him up and both the boys hit the ground in small impact ─ of course it didn't hurt taehyung at all, considering he fell on top of jeongguk.

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