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"Ugh," Thorne groans, fidgeting, "I hate these drops."

"Stop moving, or they won't even make it in your eyes," I retort. "You should have your vision back soon, though, how long did... the doctor say it would take?"

Thorne clears his throat. "It should only be a few more days."

Silence ensues as I finish with the eye drops and take a seat next to him on the exam table. We are sitting in the medbay, alone. Thorne taps his fingers against the table. I make a move to wrap my hair around my wrist, but then remember my short hair, making it impossible to do so.



"I mean, I know this whole situation has been weighing on you a lot..." Thorne starts, "and I know you're in shock about, well, everything. I mean, I just, I want to know that you're okay."

"I'm fine," I try to sound normal, but my voice cracks and I don't think it's very convincing.

"What can I do?" Thorne asks, fumbling to grab my hands.

"There's nothing you can do. It's not like we met under normal circumstances. I'll start to get used to everything... I hope."

Thorne rubs his thumb in a circular motion on the back of my hand. "I have an idea," he says.


"What if we did meet under, what you call, 'normal' circumstances?"

I cock my head to one side, confused. "What do you mean?"

"Let's see... first of all I'm not a criminal, right?"


"We live in the American Republic. You weren't ever stuck in that satellite. You never knew of that thaumaturge." With each point, he ticks them off on his fingers. "Now, I'm on a date with a gorgeous girl, and for some reason she wants to go to the opera."

"You're on a date with me?" My cheeks flare, my pulse quickens.

"No," he says. My heart drops to my stomach. "No, you see, me and this girl I'm trying to romance go to this opera. I'm under the impression this'll be totally boring, but I go ahead and get all dressed up, and ready for this date."

I start to get irratated. "Thorne, what are you doing?"

"Just wait," he says. My mouth shuts. "Anyway, we get to this opera, and this old lady comes out with the first song. All I'm thinking about is how much I want out of this theater. So, just when I'm about to fall asleep, the next singer comes up. She's young, with her long, blonde hair tightly braided down her back. I look at this girl, and I marvel at how cute she is."

"Cute...?" I try to say more, but he holds up his index finger, silencing me.

"Then, she opens her mouth... and she sings." His face softens and a light smile tugs at the corners of his mouth. "It's the most wonderful thing I've ever heard in my life. But, then the song ends, and here I am, with this girl next to me, and I look at her, but I don't want her anymore. I sit uncomfortably through the entire date. When the show is over, I tell her that I'll call her later, which I know is a lie, and that as much as I'd like to, I can't escort her home."

He pauses.

"Okay..." I say, not sure where he's going with this.

Thorne takes a long breath and continues. "Somehow I manage to charm my way backstage; I just have to find this girl." My face brightens. "Finally I do find her, and I somehow convince her to go on a date with me."

He looks in my direction, but his eyes are still distant. He smiles hugely, his dimples cutting holes through his cheeks.

"And...?" I encourage him.

"That's how we met," he's still smiling, "the rest has yet to be written."

"It's just like a net drama..." I mutter.

Thorne winks at the wall behind me.

Before I have a chance to think about doing it, I've already wrapped my arms around his waist, hugging him. Thorne hugs me back, squeezing me against him. We sit like that for a while, just my ear against his chest, hearing his rapid heartbeat, and him crushing me, but I don't even mind. I want to be close to him.

Then, suddenly, Thorne breaks away. He brings his hand to my face, finding my cheek. Then he lifts his other hand, finding my other cheek. My eyes shift to his parted lips, and before I know it, we're kissing.


Oh, an all Cresswell chapter...

What do you guys think about that?

Thank you for reading, commenting and voting! Ya'll are all wonderful.

NOTE: It has recently come to my attention that, in Cress, Jacin never does make it back to the ship. However, he is on the ship in the chapter I previously uploaded. That is a mistake on my part, as it had slipped my mind. For plot purposes, and because this is but a fanfiction, Jacin will continue to be on the Rampion. If you notice anything that I may have messed up and/or forgotten (or maybe you have a suggestion) PLEASE COMMENT AND LET ME KNOW! I greatly appreciate feedback!

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