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I don't know when Thorne left last night. I don't remember him ever leaving my room.

I must have fell asleep at some point.

We had talked a lot about random things. They ranged from our favorite colors to what we thought the plan would be when we get to Luna.

Jarring me out of my thoughts, Darlah's voice comes over the Rampion's speaker system. "Linh Cinder has requested the presence of everyone in the cockpit immediately."

I throw the blanket off of me quickly. Thorne must have put it over me last night.

I wince at the cold biting at my feet for a second, but hurry to the cockpit. When I open the door, I see almost everyone has beat me here. Thorne is the only one missing. Cinder is sitting on a storage crate, looking like she could use some sleep. Kai isn't in much better condition, staring at one of the screens on the wall. I don't think Wolf ever moves from his place gazing out of the front window, hunched over. Jacin and Iko both stand, Iko looking nervous, Jacin trying to seem relaxed against a wall.

Iko rushes up to me when she spots me. "I hear he can see now," she squeals.

"Erm, yeah," I say, still groggy from sleep.

"Stars! Do you think he'll like my new look?" She fidgets with her electric blue braids. "I mean, I'll leave him to you, but I still look okay, right?"

That earns a small chuckle from me. "Yes, Iko. You look stunning."

At that, Thorne strolls in. He looks like he just rolled out of bed. His hair is tousled and sticking in all different directions. His clothes are wrinkled and hanging loosely on him. He's still sporting the scruff look, but I don't mind. I'm not sure why, but the sight of him sends a swarm of butterflies in my stomach.

"You're staring," Thorne whispers as he grabs my hand and leads me to a storage crate to sit on.

"So, I think we have a plan for Luna." Cinder stands and walked over to a screen, and begins explaining.

To Luna and BackWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt