The News

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Dear diary,

Hi, my name is Ariana Marie Smith, I'm 16 years old and my life is amazing. I'm rich as can be with a maid and butler and two parents that give me what I want. I have a boyfriend, his name is Noah and we have been going out for a year. Love you Noah! Then you have my bestie Zoey who is my basic b****. We've know each other since first grade. There isn't a secret untold between us.

~ love Ariana

"Ariana come down for dinner", my mom screams from the living room.

"Coming Rebecca", yelling from my room.

Rebecca isn't my real mom. My mom died when I was real little. I don't remember much of anything. All I have is a picture of her on my night stand holding me as a baby.

I walk downstairs into the kitchen and sit down. We hold hands and say our blessing and begin to eat.

"Your dad and I need to talk with you", her voice low.

We don't talk much at the dinner table but when we do it's serious. My stomach drops. I put my fork down and listen.

My dad takes her hand and looks up and says with a quiver in his voice,"Honey, I lost my job and we don't have enough money to pay the bills".

"Rebecca still has her job and it's not like we will loose our house", I say hesitantly trying to hold back my tears.

Rebecca looks over to my dad and says,"It's not enough. You will have to move to England with your aunt and uncle while we stay here and work things out".

I loose my appetite and I ask to be excused. I walk up to my room and close the door. Things were beginning to be so perfect. Why the change all of a sudden?



Sorry this is my first time. don't be afraid to leave hate and suggestions! Thnx love you guys xoxo

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