Falling Apart

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I wake up in the emergency room, in Noah's arms. His shoulder is wet from my tears and his head lays on my head. Rebecca is sitting across the room on the chair, rocking back and forth. the room is silent, the only thing you hear are the doctors rushing and the patients talking. I stand up and go over to Rebecca.. my mom and sit next to her holding her hand.

"It's all my fault, if I wouldn't have fought with him he wouldn't have rushed off in anger", every word she says shakes with anger.

"It's not your fault, don't blame it on yourself", rubbing her back trying to help.

She walks out of the room and slams the door behind her. Noah wakes up from it and stretches. What am I supposed to do? it's 8:46 and my flight leaves at 10. Do I stay or leave?

I walk out of the room and look for my fathers nurse. When I find her she tell me he is stable but they have to keep him in for a week. I decide to do as my dad wants and go to England with my aunt and uncle.

I wake Noah up from his nap. I grab my sweater and luggage as we head out of the waiting room. When we reach his car I get in and sit in silence.

"You can change your mind you know", Noah says in a low raspy voice.

"I gotta, it's what my dad wants", I can't look at him when I say my words.

"But you have the chance to stay here with me longer, what about our relationship", his voice starts to raise.

"I don't really have a choice now do I and what do you mean, what about our relationship", my voice is cold.

"Your moving half way across the f**king world, how are we gonna do that", his voice stern yet shaky.

"We got face time, texting, I'll call you all the time", my eyes tear up and my voice goes high.

"I'm not gonna be able to do that, Ariana I don't think we can be together", his words choke as they come out.

"I can't believe you! I thought you loved me", my eyes flood with tears.

"You are asking too much of me and I do love you but your half way across the world", his voice softens.

"I'll tell you what, I've wanted to do it for a while but I never knew when", he gets down on one knee. "Ariana I promise to wait for you until you get home, I'm in love with you and always will be, I have you a promise and here I'm proving it", he looks up into my eyes.

"Yes Noah", I smile and hug him.

He slides the ring on my finger and we drive smiling and talking. when we reach the airport my plane is gonna take off soon.

"I love you remember that forever and always", we both say.

He kisses my cheek and I run to catch my plane.

I guess this is goodbye.

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