Last day of school pt. 1

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It's 4:30 am and I can't sleep. I keep tossing and turning and thinking about how big of a change this is. I live in California and I will be moving half way across the world to meet family I don't know.


I guess thinking made me tired and I fell back asleep. It's now 5:24 am and it's time to get up for school. My last day at this school. My last day with my boyfriend and Zoey.

I toss the covers off of me and get out of bed. While walking to the kitchen to eat breakfast I hear Rebecca and my dad talking. I can't hear much, the only words I hear is, "your doing the right thing". I grab a bowl out of the cabinet and pour some cereal and milk.

The talking soon turned into fighting, this is there first fight. My dad walks out in a puff, grabs his keys and leaves without saying goodbye. Rebecca is standing in the doorway looking at me, as if I did something.

"Hurry up and get ready so I can take you to school, you don't want to miss your last day", she says is a huff and rushes off.

I go up to my room and throw on the dress Noah have me. It's a simple blue dress but to me it means everything. I take out my bun that was left in over night. When I take it out it falls over my shoulders with waves and curls all over. Grabbing my school bag and purse I meet Rebecca in the garage.

The ride was silent, not a single word spoken. When I get to school I get out of the and wave goodbye. My boyfriend is waiting for me at my locker when I walk in with a rose in his hands. I haven't told him or Zoey yet, I'm waiting for the right moment. The weird thing is my flight leaves tonight so when is the right moment.

"Hey baby girl, why haven't you responded to any of my messages", Noah says looking at me.

"It's family stuff that's all. Is that rose for me", I tease.

"No it's for Zoey, I figured I would give it to her since you didn't respond to my messages", he says with a giggle.

He leans over and kisses me on the cheek, handing me the rose. I look up into his eyes and I start tearing up. I can't help it, we have dated for a year and I have to leave him so sudden.

"What wrong baby, I don't like seeing you cry", he sad lifting my head up so he an look at me.

"Last night my dad told me he lost his job and I have to go move in with my aunt and uncle ...", I was cut off.

"That's not that bad baby, nothing to cry over" saying it with a smile.

"They live in England and my flight leaves tonight, today is my last day", my voice is shaking.



I'm splitting the last day of school into 2 parts. I didn't eat to make it a short chapter and I didn't want to make it so you had to read forever. I hope you like it so far and I promise it gets better. there's a twist you won't expect love you guys xoxo

Black WidowOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora