Rocky: Epilogue

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"Rocky, bath time!" His adopted mother called.

"What's a bath?" Rocky asked when he walked in.

"Well, come here and I'll show you." She then proceeded to pick him up and place him in a tub of...

"Nooo! Not water! Please, anything but water!" Rocky screamed as he floundered in her arms.

"Rocky. Rocky!" She said, trying to get him to calm down. "It's only a little water."

"But it's just like that horrible, stupid storm. Please don't put me in there! Waaaa!" Rocky yelled, beginning to cry.

"Hey, hey! I'll make you a deal: you may get a bath only once a month, but you'll have to promise me that you will do your best, always. Ok?" She told him.

He put a paw in her hand and shook. "(Sniffle) Okay, I promise. I love you, mommy." And he licked her cheek.

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