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When Taehyung agreed to a short trip to the mountains for their summer vacation, he absolutely did not. Expect. This.

By this, he meant waking up in the middle of the night—he’d found out after consulting his digital watch he’d placed on the nightstand earlier—to the creaking sound coming from the other bedroom, along with some hushed conversations and the noises that were more than just a little sexual.

Dear Lord, who knew the walls were not soundproofed?

Shifting uncomfortably in bed, Taehyung tried to ignore the growing heat slowly flowing down to his lower abdomen. No, he thought to himself. He shouldn’t even think about it, because they were his friends and it was inappropriate and—

“Ahh…yesss, m-more...”

Bloody hell, he thought, more than a little horrified with the mental image of what the mint haired man was doing with Jimin, of all people. Yes, they’ve been dating for a while, and maybe due to work, they didn’t get a lot of quality time, but really?

Another thumping sound, followed by more moaning and the sound of the bed creaking. By the sound of it, the wooden headboard was probably hitting the wall from the sheer force of—of—


Ignore, ignore, ignore—just go back to sleep. Think about something else—or that was the plan anyway. Much to Taehyung dismay, his drawstring pants were already getting tighter with the growing heat. At this rate, his attempt to ignore what was going on behind that wall wasn’t going to work, and—

“Oh god! Oh go--”

“Oh my god,” Taehyung whispered to the silent air of his shared room, shifting uncomfortably in his bed. He didn’t need to hear this. Who knew the orange haired male could be so loud? Jin would certainly faint if he ever heard his innocent son like friend making such a noise, and then Yoongi would die a horrible death by his hands.

A soft curse was heard from the bed at the other side of the room, alerting Taehyung that his roommate was probably awake. Slowly, he turned to his other side, peering through the darkness to a lump on the other bed, then tentatively calls out, “Jungkook?”

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