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No response, but that lump under the thin blanket definitely shifted, so Taehyung tried again and this time, Jungkook turned around to face him and growled, "What?"

"Umm," well, he didn't know what he wanted by calling his friend, but the noises those two were making in the othe room was making him really uncomfortable, and he just-"Uhm. You're awake?"

Dumb question, Kim Taehyung.

"Of course I'm fucking awake," Jungkook hissed, still having the sense to keep his voice low, "How can I fucking sleep when they're being so fucking loud-"

"-ly," Taehyung finished for him, and at Jungkook's annoyed and confused look, he elaborated, "Loudly. Uhm. They're fucking loudly?"

Okay, that was a really, really bad joke. Not to mention lame as heck. It only served to make the atmosphere a lot more awkward than it had the right to be. The sole fact that Jungkook had used the F-word three times in one go was a proof of the younger male's discomfort of knowing how their closest friends sounded during sex-a knowledge that the both of them could live without-and Taehyung's stupid comment certainly didn't help.


"Oh, please don't sto-nnn..."


Oh dear god! Taehyung inwardly exclaimed in frustration. This was so wrong, he couldn't-he shouldn't listen to them. That was an intrusion of their privacy, and-and-

Taehyung looked down to the traitorous bulge in his pants, hidden under the blanket.

Groaning, he thought enough was enough. He was ridding himself off of that little problem down there. He needed the bathroom.

With that in mind, Taehyung threw his blanket away and dashed to the bathroom-except that he was not the only one who thought that way, because Jungkook was racing him to the bathroom door and now both of their hands were at the knob.

"Move, hyung," Jungkook growled lowly.

"No way. I need to use the bathroom so I can-"

"Get rid of your problem? You're not the only one with a fucking problem," Taehyung's eyes flicked down at that, and with his excellent night vision, he could see the visible bulge in Jungkook's sleeping pants. He cursed as the sight sent heat up his cheeks and down his groin, and the boy could barely catch Jungkook's next words, "So go away and wait for your turn," Jungkook hissed again.

"What? No, I can't-"

A loud thump; followed by even louder half-scream and long, low groans. Both college students froze, waiting in anticipation as the air went silent. Seconds ticked by, but no voices were heard. Taehyung exhaled slowly, his hand twitching over Jungkook's on the door knob.

"Uhh. You think they're done?" he asked in a whisper, eyes glued to the wall separating this room with the other bedroom.

Jungkook didn't answer for a while, but as soon as he opened his mouth to answer, he was interrupted by the sound of giggles-then some kissing noises, causing his face to warm up considerably. Hushed conversation soon followed-Taehyung had to strain his ear, but he thought he heard 'only foreplay'?-and then suddenly, thee was a series of moans, followed by the creaking sound of the bed frame. One particularly high-pitched mewl sent blood rushing up to both boys' rather horrified faces and made their not-so-little problems more pronounced.

For a long moment, Taehyung and Jungkook stared at each other, coming to an agreement that-yes, they both definitely needed the bathroom.

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