Chapter 5: Missing Mercy

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Y/N and Mercy walked around the town aimlessly for a while trying to find Levy, Gajeel, and Lily. Mercy stayed very close to Y/N not daring to leave Y/N's side, while cautiously watching the people that passed by. Y/N looked down worriedly at Mercy, seeing her trembling figure, when she bumped into Wendy. They both fell on their bums before noticing each other. "Oh sorry about that." Wendy apologized standing up.
Y/N smiled as she stood up with Wendy. "No, I'm sorry. I should've been watching where I was going."
"I'm Wendy."
"Y/N. Say, have you seen a woman with short blue hair, a black haired man with piercings and a black round eared cat?"
"Oh, you mean Levy, Gajeel, and Lily?" Wendy asked before noticing Mercy and smiling. "Oh hi." Mercy hid behind Y/N's leg quickly, trying to stay out of sight, making Wendy confused before Wendy frowned upset.  "Oh, did I scare you? I'm sorry. I didn't mean to."
"She's just a little fearful and shy around new people." Y/N told them as she looked at Mercy sweetly. "It's hard for her to be around many people so this big town is kind of an adjustment."
Carla questioned with her paws on her hips appearing by Wendy's side. "I see, so you guys came here looking for Levy, Gajeel, and Lily why?"
"They're trying to help Mercy get her confidence back by forming a small group." Y/N told them with a smile.  "Then maybe when she's good, we'll join the guild."
"Wow really?" Wendy smiled big. "It would be nice to have you guys! So what magic do you use?"
"Uh..." Y/N began when she heard Levy call her name. They looked behind Wendy to see Levy, Gajeel, and Lily running toward them. "Hi." Y/N waved as she thought with relief. Excellent timing!
Levy stopped in front of Y/N and put her hands on her knees to support her as she panted. "Sorry if we're late, Y/N-chan."
Y/N smiled, shrugging it off. "No worries."
Lily smiled as he flew next to Gajeel and looked between Y/N and Mercy. "I see you met Wendy and Carla."
"Yeah." Y/N nodded as she looked down at Mercy who had peeked out of hiding to look at Gajeel, Levy, and Lily.
Carla raised an eyebrow and admitted with a frown. "She's not very talkative."
"Yeah, that's just how she is right now." Levy told Carla before looking at Y/N and asked. "You guys ready to go?"
"Yep." Y/N then looked at Wendy and Carla and waved. "It was nice meeting you guys. Hope we can meet again!"
"You too, Y/N! Bye!" Wendy waved goodbye as they went there separate ways.
While Wendy and Carla were walking back to the guild in peace they noticed Natsu and Happy pass them and go in the direction Gajeel, Levy, Y/N, Lily, and Mercy go in. Wendy and Carla watched curiously, wondering what Natsu was rushing. Suddenly, Lucy stopped next to Wendy panting and asked worriedly. "Did Natsu come by here?"
"Yeah, he and Happy went that way in a hurry." Wendy nodded as she pointed in the direction Natsu and Happy went.
Lucy sighed in exhaustion. "You gotta be kidding me."
"Why, what's wrong?" Carla asked her worried.
Lucy explained briefly. "Natsu and Happy want to meet Levy's new friends that might join the guild. Levy and the others are trying to help one of them get over their fears with stranger, however if Natsu goes there now, he'll scare her!"
"Huh?! Wait, we just ran into them!" Wendy stated quickly with wide eyes.
"One of them was perfectly fine but the Exceed was absolutely terrified! She didn't come out of hiding until Gajeel, Lily, and Levy appeared, even then she had just peeked her around. If Natsu goes there she'll be absolutely terrified especially with that loud voice of his." Carla told Lucy quickly with more worry in her voice than before.
"I know that's why we're trying to catch them." Erza stated seriously as she and Gray ran passed them. "Let's go Lucy!"
"I'm coming!" Lucy stated as she ran after them still tired from before.
Carla looked at Wendy and told her strictly. "We shouldn't follow. As much as I want to help, we might scare her even more if we don't reach Natsu in time."
"Yeah! The more people that's there the more frightened she'll become." Wendy agreed with a slow nod before looking back at the direction they ran off in. "I hope she'll be okay."


Y/N and the others began to walk toward the forest area to start their small group. Y/N held Mercy close to her as they walked through town in peace. Lily flew close to where Mercy was while Levy walked on the other side of Y/N, with Gajeel next to her. The sun shown brightly down on Y/N making her growl annoyance at the bright light. However, she relaxed when the cloud covered the sun for her. Levy looked at Y/N and asked curiously. "So what did you guys do since the last time we saw you?"
Y/N smiled proudly before she replied. "Well, Mercy, here, scared a woman while trying to get tickets to get in the train."
Lily looked at Mercy impressed with a smile on his face. "Really?"
She stuttered shyly while avoiding eye contact with Lily. "Uh... y-yeah."
"How'd she do that?" Gajeel asked, staring at the fearful exceed.
Y/N answered with a wink. "She appeared at the train station with some kitchen knives and then spoke in a language the woman didn't know, probably mistaking Mercy for an alien or something because Mercy kept stuttering, making the woman think that was the language."
Levy laughed. "Wow, I bet the woman was terrified, however I doubt she thought Mercy was an alien."
Mercy nodded slowly before stating quietly. "She looked pretty scared..."
It seems she's warming up quite quickly. Y/N thought with a smile on her face. I can only guess she feels safe...
Suddenly, Natsu's voice boomed from behind them. "Hey! Wait up!!"
Y/N felt Mercy tense up dramatically. Y/N turned around with the others to see Natsu and Happy running toward them. Y/N set Mercy down and got ready to attack when Levy assured Y/N it was a guild mate. "Crap, What's Salamander doing here?!" Gajeel growled as he glared at Natsu while Mercy trembled in fear as she saw Natsu running toward them at a quick pace.
Levy shouted when Lucy came out of nowhere behind Natsu with Erza and Gray. "Wait, Natsu! You can't be here!" The group of three tackled Natsu and Happy, making them roll towards Y/N and the others before stopping right in front of Levy and Gajeel who were giving them looks dirty. "What are you doing here, Lu-Chan?" Levy asked confused and a bit betrayed. "I thought I told you Mercy is frightened and shy! I also said that you guys should stay away from her or at least see them in smaller groups and be quiet about it!"
"I know, Levy-Chan, Natsu didn't listen when I told him to stay away." Lucy explained as she got up and looked at Levy. "We came and tried to stop him before we got here, but were too late."
Levy smiled at them kindly. "It's fine. Just next time, be a bit quieter and don't run towards them. We're lucky Mercy wasn't too frightened."
Y/N nodded in agreement before she turned to look back at Mercy. "Hey, you good—?" Y/N's eyes widened when she saw Mercy nowhere to be found. "Mercy?" That caught everyone's attention, making them snap their heads at Y/N. "Mercy!" Y/N looked around frantically, desperate to find her exceed friend. "Mercy! Where are you?! Mercy!"

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