Chapter 6: The Mysterious Know-It-All Stranger

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Y/N continued to look around the area, calling Mercy's name loudly. Y/N looked everywhere around them, ignoring the complaints of the people around her from either shouting or looking in their market stands. Y/N shook her head, telling herself Mercy was somewhere around and that she didn't go too far. Gajeel shot Natsu a look and shouted while backhanding him with vein popping out of Gajeel's forehead. "Great! Thanks a lot, Salamander! Ya scared the feline and now she's gone!"
Natsu whirled around and shouted back at Gajeel. "It's not my fault!"
"Natsu, Mercy has had a bad experience with people in the past." Levy told Natsu seriously. "When she first saw us a week ago she was terrified, even of Lily! Gajeel, Lily, and I were trying to help her. Your presence and loud voice must've scared her."
Lily replied seriously with his arms crossed while he looked at the group that intruded. "To be honest, I don't think it was just Natsu. I think it was all of them that scared Mercy."
Erza gave Lily a look with her arms crossed. "What?"
Lily stated seriously while turning his gaze to her. "She's very fearful around strangers and she doesn't know any of you. The fact that Natsu was yelling didn't help either, nor did the rolling towards us at a quick pace."
Y/N sighed when she realized Mercy was no where around and fell back, staring at the sky with a frown. "It's okay. Don't worry, Y/N." Levy assured Y/N as Levy stood over her. "We'll find Mercy."
Y/N sighed as she looked at Levy with a lifted eyebrow. "How will we do that exactly?"
"Easy, we have three dragon slayers here." Gajeel relied as he put his hands to his side. "We'll just sniff her out."
Lucy questioned confused. "Three?"
Natsu asked shocked as he stared at Y/N. "No way! You're a dragon slayer?!"
"Don't hide it either, Y/N. I know ya are." Gajeel narrowed his eyes at her. "I figured it out from the moment I saw ya. I just don't know what dragon raised ya yet."
"That is the least of your concerns." Y/N replied as she got up and began walking in one direction to look for Mercy. "Mercy! Where are you?! Mercy!"
Lily flew after Y/N, helping her find Mercy. Levy and the others split up into groups and looked around for Mercy. Natsu, Happy, and Lucy went with Levy while Erza and Grey went with Gajeel since the Natsu and his team didn't know what Mercy looked like exactly. Gajeel was walking through the city wondering with a frown. Why did Lily have to go with Y/N?


Y/N walked up and down the streets and alleys, yelling out Mercy's name with Lily by her side. She ignored the stares she got from people around, focusing on her search. "Mercy!" Y/N called loudly with Lily next to her. "Where are you?!" Y/N turned down an alley way as she began to look around. "Mercy!!"
Lily voiced his opinion. "I doubt she would've came this far."
"If I know Mercy, she would've come this far. When she's scared, she runs as far as she thinks she has to to get out of danger." Y/N replied as she looked inside an empty trash can before a squirrel popped out and grabbed her face. "Kya! Get off! Get off! Get off! GET OFF!!" Y/N yelled trying to grab it, but it kept moving around her body scratching her. The squirrel eventually jumped off her and ran across the ground. Y/N frowned as she mumbled with scratches all over her body. "Rodents... what's it even doing in an alley way?" Y/N then noticed a box next to the trash cam, with the opening on the side. Y/N peeked in to see Mercy cuddled up as far in the box as she could get. "Mercy?"
Mercy opened her eyes and looked at Y/N. "Yeah?"
Y/N told Mercy as Lily landed next to her. "What are you doing in there? Come on out."
"O-Okay." Mercy crawled out of hiding and sighed staring at the ground in shame. "I'm sorry..."
Y/N stared at Mercy in confusion. "Huh? For what?"
"Running away." Mercy mumbled, not looking up to look at Y/N or Lily in the eyes.
Y/N scoffed and waved her hand back and forth. "Oh come on! Don't be sorry, Mercy. I know you can't handle too many people. It's perfectly fine. Don't sweat it."
Mercy just frowned, not believing Y/N. Lily looked at her and stated, trying to cheer her up. "Don't be upset, Mercy. We're all afraid of something."
Mercy looked at Lily curiously and asked. "What are you afraid of?"
Lily sweat dropped while looking at Mercy for a little bit before looking away and clearing his throat. "Uh..."
Suddenly a man stepped out of the darkest part of the alley, making them turn to him. He had pitch black hair and sky blue eyes while he wore...

 He had pitch black hair and sky blue eyes while he wore

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He had a figure like Natsu's. Y/N narrowed her eyes as she asked him and stepping forward while Mercy hid behind Y/N's leg once again. Lily spread his legs a bit as he readied himself in case a fight broke out while Y/N asked, getting a bad vibe from the man. "Who the heck are you?"
"Found you, Y/N L/N daughter of Ac...." before he could finish, Y/N launched off the ground and punched him sending him flying in the other direction. The man looked at Y/N and smiled amused. "Oh? Someone ashamed of their father's name?"
"Lily, get Mercy out of here." Y/N stated seriously, not turning back.
Lily looked at Y/N while Mercy stared at Y/N with fear and concern coming across her face. "But Y/N..." Mercy began.
"I'll be fine, Mercy. Go now!" Y/N shouted at them, refusing to take her eyes off her enemy.
Lily narrowed his eyes before grabbing Mercy and flying off, ignoring her protests to let her go. Y/N smiled slightly to herself before she scowled and asked him darkly. "How do you know who my father is? That information hasn't been shared with anyone, but Mercy."
"I know everything, Y/N. I even know about that little friend you had all those years ago." The man smirked wickedly not taking his eyes off her. Y/N's eyes widened in shock as he continued. "What was her name again? Sapphire? Yes, Sapphire the crystal dragon slayer. She was said to have disappeared while she was going to town back when you two were just two preteens."
Y/N clenched her fists, to the point blood spilled from them as she shouted angrily. "How do you know of her?!"
The man chuckled wickedly as he stared at her. "Like I said, I know everything."
Y/N scoffed as she was ready to attack when someone else did it for her. "Iron Dragon... Roar!" Gajeel jumped out of nowhere with Erza and Gray, who also attacked the man. Lily and Mercy were behind them watching with different expression across their face. The man slid back avoiding the attacks while glaring at the three who just arrive. "Who's you're new friend?" Gajeel asked Y/N with his signature smirk.
"He isn't my friend." Y/N replied seriously with a hint of annoyance. "He's a mysterious, know-it-all stranger."
"It seems, I have to retreat." The man mumbled. "Until next time, Princess of Dragons.." suddenly the man disappeared into thin air, along with his scent almost as if he didn't exist.
"Princess of Dragons?" Erza questioned before turning to Y/N in confusion. "What did he mean by that?"
Y/N kept silent as she looked at the floor, not wanting to say a word. Gajeel narrowed his eyes and asked her seriously, putting what he knew together after thinking about the dragons he did know. "You're Acnologia's daughter, aren't ya?"

Okay, so I'm working on a drawing of Mercy and... I still don't have the right color for her fur, BUT I found a lighter and a bit more bluer version of her fur color and I'm using that instead. Otherwise it should be done soon. If you don't know what her fur color, or slate gray, it looks like...

 If you don't know what her fur color, or slate gray, it looks like

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This is her fur color. Anyway, until then...

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