Chapter 7: Arcane Dragon Slayer, Daughter of the King of Dragons, Acnologia

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Everyone was absolutely silent from Gajeel's sudden question. Y/N just stared at Gajeel with wide eyes along with everyone else. She couldn't believe he figured it out so quickly. Gajeel continued to stare at Y/N with a narrow gaze waiting for her response. Mercy looked worriedly at Y/N, wondering what she'll say to them next. Gray snapped out of his trance and told Gajeel seriously. "Hold on man, we can't just go assuming Y/N is Acnologia's daughter."
Gajeel turned his attention to Gray and questioned harshly. "Who else would be called Princess of Dragons? Acnologia is the King of Dragons, it kinda makes sense that his daughter would be called Princess of Dragons!"
Mercy went over to Y/N and held onto her leg while she stared at Gajeel. Lily saw the fear clear in Mercy's eyes, however that didn't stop Mercy from holding onto Y/N's leg as if trying to protect her. Y/N looked down never noticing this kind of behavior from Mercy before. Mercy would only hold on to Y/N if she was scared, but now it was because she was being protective but still scared out of her mind. "Why is she gettin so defensive?" Gajeel asked with his arms crossed while staring at Mercy.
"Mercy?" Y/N looked down at Mercy and asked curiously. "Are... you okay?"
"Mmhm." Mercy nodded as she continued to stare at Gajeel and the others while holding onto Y/N tighter, like Y/N would suddenly slip out of her grasp.
Y/N then looked at the group and asked seriously curious. "If Acnologia did have a daughter, what would you think of her? Would you just assume she's evil just because of who her father is?"
"If he did," Erza began as she began to think, "I'm honestly not sure what we would think. I guess it would depend on how she acts and talks."
Y/N looked down at the ground with her eyebrows furrowed upwards and a slight frown on her face. "I see, but you don't know for sure how you would think of her?"
"No, not exactly." Erza shook her head before asking. "Why do you ask? Are you saying Gajeel's assumption is true?"
Y/N debated whether to tell them or not before she sighed, telling them. "Yes, your friend is right. I am the Arcane Dragon Slayer, daughter of the King of Dragons, Acnologia."
They all fell silent, Y/N noting this however she was unsure whether it was a good or bad sign. "Well..." Gray began before smiling at Y/N, "you're nothing like your old man, that's for sure." Y/N looked at Gray in shock as he went on. "Your dad attacked us on Tenrou and honestly, he wasn't a very friendly guy if you don't mind me saying." Gray turned a bit more serious as he went on. "He actually tried to kill us and here you are, a very friendly person with a shy and fearful Exceed, although she isn't looking too fearful or shy right now." Y/N looked down at Mercy who began to hide her self a bit behind Y/N's leg again. "Oh never mind."
"Yes, I'm sorry about his actions. I'm sure... he hurt a lot of people." Y/N apologized sincerely as she looked back at the ground.
"Well, don't worry about it." Gray replied with a slight smile on his face. "No one in our guild was injured... Well I take that back. One of our guild members lost his arm, leg, and was gutted by Acnologia."
"Oh gosh." Y/N sighed sadly as she ran her hand through her hair. "He really is a cruel and evil dragon."
Erza snapped out of her shock and asked still trying to grasp what she was told. "Wait, you're really his daughter?!"
Y/N nodded slowly as she continued to stare at the ground. "Yeah, he taught me dragon slayer magic and raised me."
Before anything else could be said, Natsu's voice was heard. "Hey!" Natsu ran over to them with Levy, Lucy, and Happy behind him.
Levy smiled big when she saw Mercy hiding behind Y/N. "Hey, you found her!" Levy then noticed the odd vibe and asked as she came to a stop. "Did we miss something?"
"Yeah." Gajeel nodded slowly before turning to Y/N. "Wanna tell them, Y/N?"
"Yeah... I'll tell them." Y/N nodded slowly as she continued to stare at the floor. Everyone, who didn't hear the news, turn to her with a confused expression on their face as Y/N began. "Um..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2019 ⏰

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