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I remember someone writing this in the comments with an immense amount of frustration. So here I am to unhelpfully guide you.

I'll start with chapter titles. The biggest flaw in naming chapters is using one word for them (I KNOW THIS IS HYPOCRITICAL OKAY BUT I WANTED THIS BOOK TO BE EASY TO READ - ITS BASICALLY A MANUAL). Chapter titles need to sound...fluid? Just don't try to sum up the whole chapter with one word. You can always resort to using a quote (for this it doesn't matter if you use capitals for every word or not or use quotation marks).

Now for book titles. Ah, I don't really have any tips here. I have trouble naming books, I think everyone does. If you have a name idea but someones already used it then clearly the name is not for you (I'm sorry for my strange way of thinking). Book names can be quotes from the book, a single key word, a word related to the book, a name, sometimes the title is the most OBVIOUS thing ever. I do have to say that titles do have an impact on if the reader wants to read them or not, but I have not yet figured out what the key to book titles is. I apologise, and when I do find it out I will be sure to let you know.

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