Chapter 2

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(Eren's pov)

Levi and I woke up at the same time as we looked at each other and smiled. We'd be going back to college soon since we're on our summer break. It would be our second year of college, I believe. Levi is going to college to become a doctor and so am I, except I want to be an animal doctor. I have always gotten along with animals so I think this is perfect for me.

Levi and I are wanting to spend our last two weeks of summer vacation with as many friends as we can. Tonight is game night and Mikasa is also flying in to visit so she's going to be staying with me and Levi. Levi and I are actually at the airport right now waiting for her. We were sitting on the chairs when I looked up and saw Mikasa with her signature red scarf, "Mikasa!" I exclaimed which got her attention.

"Eren!" She yelled back as we ran to each other and put each other into an embrace.

"I missed you, Mikasa."

"I missed you, too, Eren."

I pulled away from Mikasa and Levi snaked his fingers in between mine and Mikasa sent a glare, "Hi, Mikasa," Levi said quietly, "Are you ever going to forgive me? It's been a year."

"You hurt Eren."

"Mikasa, you should forgive him. He didn't hurt me. It was the other way around," I chimed in and Mikasa sighed deeply.

"Fine," She said as she put her hand out for Levi to take, "I forgive you," She finished as Levi shook hands using his free hand.

"Oh, Mikasa," I said which got her attention, "People are coming over because it's game night, are you going to join us? I mean, I know you're staying at my house, but you know what I mean."

"Yeah, I'll join you guys. Who's all going to be there?"

"Connie, Sasha, Jean, Marco, and a couple people we met during college."

"Cool, I'll be glad to hang out with everyone I haven't seen in the past year."

"Cool, well we should go."

"Yeah, you're right."

We got into Levi's car and drove to our apartment near our college so we didn't have to drive very far. Everyone would be coming over to our apartment since it's bigger than their dorms. Sasha, Connie, Jean, Marco and I all go to the same college which was convenient for Levi and me.

We arrived home and we walked inside, "You can use the other bed. Levi and I never use it anyways," I told Mikasa as she set her bags onto the floor.

"Thanks. By the way, no having sex when I'm here. I don't want to be trying to sleep and hear Eren's whimpers," We both blushed slightly and then I realized what she said.

"What!? I could make Levi whimper! I'm not the only one," I finished with a growl and Mikasa and Levi chuckled.

"I'm joking, Eren."

"So we can-"

"-No, you cannot. I need my sleep."

"Tsk, fine."

A couple hours passed and the first person to arrive was Jean, "Hey, Jean. Where's Marco?" I asked, after letting Jean in.

"He's over with his family right now, but he'll be here later. He wanted me to leave to tell you that he had something to do with his family. I hope that's okay," He said as he sat down on a chair.

"Yeah, that's okay. Do you know where Sasha and Connie are right now?"

"They texted me a while ago and they said they were on their way."

Please, Don't Leave Me. (Book two of 'My Brat') (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now