Chapter 34

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(Eren's pov)

I stood up and walked into the bathroom. I stared in the mirror in confusion. My right eye had turned turquoise. I felt okay. I felt free. I felt as though all my burdens have been lifted off my shoulders. I felt happy. I could go back to Levi.

I smiled profoundly before getting ready for a shower. I took off my shirt and stared at me. I was skinny. I haven't had the appetite to eat anything. I looked at my gun wound. I pressed my finger against it, slowly rubbing it back and forth.

Tears came to my eyes but never coursed down my cheeks. I looked at the razor on the table and turned away from it and walked into the shower. The water flowed down my body; It felt warm and welcoming.

When I was finished, I got dressed and walked into the kitchen. "Hello, my fellow adoptive parents," I sang to them as I walked into the kitchen. They were doing what they usually do in the mornings. Erwin was making breakfast and Hanji was drinking coffee and reading a newspaper.

Erwin looked up from what he was doing and looked at me. "Well aren't you just happy today my 21-year-old son who ran away from his boyfriend because he hadn't figured things out and is now living at his adoptive parents' house," Erwin said with a smirk.

I playfully pushed him like the child I am. "It took you four months to say that to me?" I chuckled and he chuckled in response.

"Do you want an omelet?"

"Yeah, sure."

"Then make it," Erwin laughed and I playfully pushed him again. "You're old enough."

"Stop treating me like a child," I laughed, crossing my arms and stomping my foot.

"Once you stop acting like that I will," Erwin said with one of his eyebrows raised.

"Just make me one." Luckily, he did.


"Hey, do you think I could go back to Levi today?" I asked with a mouthful of food.

"Do you feel like you can go back?" Hanji asked, looking up from the newspaper.

"Yeah. I feel great. I feel free and normal."

"His birthday is in a month, right?" Erwin asked and I nodded my head. "Maybe surprise him. I saw that the cravat that you told me about was on sale. Of course, it's not the same one but it looks like it. You can buy it for his birthday and write him a note and then surprise him at the apartment."

"You know...that's a good idea. I like that idea."

"Then do that. I'm sure that he would love that."

I'm sure he would, too. He could finally like his birthday. Levi never really liked his birthday. We never celebrated it. All I ever did was get him a present. We didn't go out and do anything, though.

Erwin, Hanji, and I walked out of the house to go buy the cravat. When we got to the store, there it was. The white $300 cravat that Levi wanted but I was too broke to buy. Of course, as Erwin said, it wasn't the same one but it looks like it. Plus, they're the same price. Some things don't change in three years. "Are you sure you want to spend $150 on it?" I asked, looking at the tag that said '50% Off'.

"We're sure," Hanji and Erwin said in unison, both smiling like two loving parents.

"Thank you, guys. I really mean it," I said with a smile as we walked out of the store.

"All we want is for you to be happy and we know how much you love Levi and how much he makes you happy," Erwin said. He was right. Levi did make me happy. I just don't know if he felt the same way. I wonder how he's doing. I hope he hasn't done anything stupid.

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