The Choosing Ceremony

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A/N: sorry, not a lot of Eric yet :/ just building background, he'll be in the next one though!
Chapter 1

"(Y/n), are you going to fill that basket or not?"

My sister's voice snapped me out of my trance, bringing me back to the sunny field I was currently standing in. I look down at the strawberry stains on my hands and try to rub them off on my orange skirt, but they seem to just smear around my hands even more. The sun beat down on my neck, making it hot, and my butt muscles were getting cramped from all the squatting I was doing to pick the berries.

"Yeah, sure." I reply to her, halfheartedly, placing three more berries into the wooden basket. I can feel her eyes on me, not happy with how distance I have been to her today. I was pretty introverted to begin with, but today was different, and my younger sister of all people could tell.

"Come on, (y/n). Don't make me tell our supervisor to give you another peace shot."

I stop picking again and meet her gaze, her green eyes cutting straight through me. I didn't want to get another one of those peace inducing shots for as long as I lived. I knew my sister was only doing her job as Amity by making the slight threat, but it still annoyed me slightly.

"I'm ok, Kimberly, really. It's just hot."

"You shouldn't transfer to Candor." She mumbles, picking up on my lie. This only makes me laugh. "Maybe you should be Candor." I smile over at her and see her trying to be angry with me. But it's nearly impossible to be angry in Amity.

"So why are you acting more peasbly (pissy; Amity don't swear) than normal?" I put another small handful of berries into the basket, taking in her question.

"The Choosing Ceremony." I finally settle on, knowing it's the roots to why I haven't been my normally happy self. "I just don't know if I really am Dauntless."

I think back to my test I took just yesterday, still trying to wrap my head around my results. I had gotten Dauntless, the last faction of the five I thought I'd get. I guess I wasn't sure what I was expecting. I wasn't smart enough for Erudite, and I wasn't honest enough for Candor. My guess would have been Amity or Abnegation. But even if I did get Amity, I would have left for Abnegation. I don't think I quite fit with all the kindness, but at least at Abnegation I wouldn't be forced to be happy. Most of that was controlled by the bread I ate, and the shots the higher officials gave me. Still, it's not like I was a mean person, and I didn't really see myself as brave.

"I think Dauntless would fit you perfectly." Kimberly says, bringing me back once again to the strawberry fields. "I think you are brave." I take that as a compliment and smile to myself. Kimberly really was a great sister, and I was going to miss her so much if I actually did switch to Dauntless.

I took a moment to really look at her right then. Her yellow clothes, tanned skin, bright blonde curly hair, and the smudges of dirt that covered her face. She was the most beautiful person in the world, and life without her was going to difficult. She thought she wanted to stay in Amity, but after her Faction Test, she didn't know anymore. She had told us she had gotten Erudite, which made sense since she was a very bright person. But she also didn't want to be smart, she was just as lost as I was.

I wipe my hands on my skirt again and walk over to crouch next to her, pulling her in a hug. She fell into me, putting all her weight on my shoulder. I didn't mind, years of working the fields and lifting straw had made me strong.

"Just promise me whatever you pick, you don't pick Dauntless." I whisper to her. I knew Dauntless could be dangerous. They took enjoyment in starting fights in the middle of the street with one another. I didn't want Kimberly to live a life like that, even if I was thinking about going there myself.

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