Making Enemies

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Chapter 4

I wasn't even fully asleep when a loud banging sound rang through the initiates sleeping quarters. There were groans from all over as everyone began to look around for the source of the sound. It was narrowed down quickly to Four banging a piece of metal on one of the pipes.

"In the pit in 30 minutes. Don't be late."

I sit up, used to early mornings at Amity. One always wanted to be up early to start the day before it got hot out. Looking at a nearby clock, I realize I had actually slept in.

I swing my legs over the bed, making it creak slightly, and pull down my night pants. I get a fresh pair of underwear, then put on a fresh pair of pants and socks. I notice the people around me are just now starting to wander about, heading for the bathrooms. I slept in my sports bra, so I easily just put on a new shirt before putting my hair in a lose bun.

Once I'm ready, I find Kim. She's struggling with her hair a little, and I sit next to her, brushing it back with my fingers to untangle it.

"It's almost as bad an awakening as Amity." She says, voice slightly groggy. I simply hum, thinking to the loud bell the farmhands ring to wake everyone up for work. I put her hair into something similar to mine, just more tighter since I can see what I'm doing. We stand as Adam, Lilly, Keith and Sarah join us.

"Wow I didn't sleep at all." Lilly says, rubbing her eyes. "I never sleep well in new places."

"Yeah, some of us had a little tougher time though." Keith says, reminding us of last night. Adam hums a little before speaking. "At least one of us had a heart to help him though." He nudges me gently.

"I guess I'm still Amity." I shrug.

We all walked together to breakfast, and upon opening the doors, we immediately almost bump into the Dauntless Leader himself, Eric.

"Watch where you're going, initiates." His eyes scan all of us and when they meet mine, I feel a shutter go down my spin. Not just because his gaze is dangerous, but his eyes are stunning. A light icy blue.

"You have 15 minutes." He adds before leaving. It seemed kinda nice coming from Eric, but I had only known him for about a day now. It may have even been another threat just to warn us not to be late.

We eat quickly, and I hardly have time to have a nice full breakfast. All the initiates seem eager to get to the pit early. I notice that the ones around me only picked at the food they chose. I couldn't even manage to eat half of a banana before my turning stomach can't eat anymore. I set it down on my tray, just planning to wait for the others to get done before going to throw it away.

I'm not really listening to the other's conversations, just lost in thought about what I'd be doing in Amity right now. I'm brought out of my trance when I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn to see Alyssa, the girl who collapsed yesterday.

"Hey Alyssa what's-"

"Don't. What you did last night had better have been a fucking joke."

"What?" I ask, honestly confused. I have no idea what I did that would have made her so angry with me.

"Telling me to shut up, huge mistake. And besides, why would you help that weakling anyway? He was at his lowest point, he could have been one of the people to take up a spot below the line."

"B-but he-he was so sad. Why wouldn't I help him?"

"You're not Amity anymore. You'll never make it here if this is your attitude. And you better not tell me to shut up again or you'll be sorry."

Amity to Dauntless [Eric Coulter]Where stories live. Discover now