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A/N: lots of Eric in this chapter! Enjoy!! <3
Chapter 6

Usually in the mornings, Four hitting random metal objects on an exposed pipe is what wakes me up. But today was different. The old Amity in me had begun to surface again, waking me up early now that I'd fallen into a repeating sleep cycle.

I would usually just try to go back to sleep and toss and turn until Four actually did come to get us. But instead, I pull myself out of bed and look around the room, making out the shapes of everyone. They are all still sleeping, exhausted from the grueling workout Eric made us do yesterday after dinner. It might not have been that bad if we didn't do fighting and knives yesterday.

I hesitantly try to move my right arm, testing to see if it's better from yesterday. My dislocation feels much better, but my muscles still burn badly from the workout. Everything hurts, especially my calf's and ribs.

Once I'm done quietly stretching my legs out, so I'll be able to walk, I start to get ready for the day. After putting my clothes on and lacing up my boots, I walk silently past my fellow initiates, wondering if they serve breakfast this early in the morning.

Once I get to the dining hall, I find that no one seems to be working or preparing food. I frown a little and start to wonder just how early I woke up. The halls are lit dimly by some lights, like they always are, and there isn't a way to see outside. The only real light I've seen since being in Dauntless has been when we're in the pit, and even then you can't see trees or the actual outdoors.

My chest tightens up a little. I've always been outside since I was a little kid. I hardly spent any time inside, except for when I was at school. And now, I've been underground for about a week and a half, and I haven't seen the sun.

Feeling a little homesick, I give up on trying to find food and go to the pit hoping to see some kind of light. I'm glad to find that there is some light pouring from the small windows near the ceiling. I slowly walk to one of the small patches of light and sit down in it, but it still feels fake, not warm like the real sunlight.

I close my eyes anyway, trying to pretend I'm outside and not underground. Just as it begins to work, I hear footsteps approaching me, followed by someone clearing the throat. My eyes fly open, and I stand quickly realizing it's Eric, hoping he isn't mad I'm not in the sleeping quarters.

"What are you doing here?" He asks, his voice harsh and deep. He's wearing a black short sleeves shirt and his usual vest.

"E-Eric, I was just-just um.." I feel my cheeks heat up as I try to find what I want to say.

"Spit it out." He says, crossing his arms, a bored look settling into his stone cold features.

"I couldn't sleep." I decide on, refusing to meet his gaze. "I'm used to getting up early and-"

"Yeah whatever," He says, waving me off as he walks over to a door. "You're not suppose to be here."

"Sorry." I mumble, watching as he opens the door. It's full of training equipment.

"Don't mumble." He says, voice still ruff. I nod, even though his back is to me.

"Sorry, I can uh, go then." I begin to take a few steps back, assuming he'd want to me leave, but he turns around and shakes his head.

"No, I don't think so. You can help me set up as punishment."

"Punishment? I'm being punished?" His face is blank, showing no emotion.

"Yeah, you broke the rules. I can't have initiates running around before 5:00 am causing trouble."

"Before 5:00 am? What time is it?" I begin to walk toward him. He checks his wrist, looking at his black watch.

Amity to Dauntless [Eric Coulter]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن