[Part one] chapter 1

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Dans p.o.v.

Walking down the street a hooker comes up to me.
"Hey, looking for fun?" her voice is scratchy.
"Lets sit darling" I say leading her to a bench in a dark, unpopulated park type place. "Did you try at all?"
"exuse me?" she says confused.
"You know, if you would've tried harder at life you wouldn't be in this situation. Not only would you be able to wake up tommarow but you'd have a life to look forward too."
"I don't need this asshole." she says with anger and a tad bit of fear. She stand up getting ready to leave. I grab her arm tightly. I look her in the eye.
"It's a shame i didn't plan on killing tonight, but i just couldn't miss this chance." And i yank her down. "Move and i make it slow and hurt any family you have." I was hoping she would cooperate because i didn't want to be home to late. Thank fully she did, i mean as much a victim could in this situation. I put my pocket knife to her neck.
"Please don't" She wimpers through silent tears.
"Don't cry, just relax." and at the x i click it and the knife goes into her skin. I put it at the vain so she goes out quicker since she didn't give me much trouble. i looked, i saw the life drain from her body. *tisk tisk* "a shame" I wipe my knife off with her clothes and head home.


Phils finally fallin asleep. I go to the closet and pull out my journal. I write:
"i didn't intend on doing this tonight but a hooker came to me. She was raidiating saddness. Honestly i did her a favor. It went smooth no trouble or blood on me."
I write every murder of mine in it with details. It's obviosly kept hidden. I practicly break my back keeping my grousem secret from Phil. I want nothing but happiness for him and this would ruin that if he found out. I know he needs me and this puts my being with him in danger but im addicted to it. I have a rull in fact. If he finds out i kill myself, not him. But first i make sure he knows i love him.

Sorry for the errors more to come.

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