Chapter 3

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Chapter 3



Ever since I left  things have been a little bit on a roller coaster of emotions, but mostly just stress because of all the work. I have been piled with.

*buzz buzz*

My phone vibrated. "Hey babe, what's up?" The text was from my boyfriend, John. We met when I was getting coffee at the local Starbucks around my work. No, he did't just walk up to me all charming, if that's what you were thinking. We walked into each other and I spilled my coffee all over him.



When I finally got my cappuccino I rushed just to get back to work because my break was already over. But instead of walking out casually in a rush I ended up bumping into a really cute guy and spilling my cappuccino all over him. Just my luck.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry about that, I'm such a klutz!"  I said while getting napkins to clean him up. When I looked up he had chocolate brown eyes which made me melt when I looked at them.

"No it's my fault I was on my phone and I didn't pay attention, and don't worry about your drink ill buy you a new one." He sounded a little hesitant when he spoke.

"Um no it's ok I think I'll just leave because I have to get to work anyway." I was really embarrassed at this point.

"Hey wait" He stopped me. He seemed a little nervous for some odd reason. He continued "um maybe next time I can get you a coffee?"

"Maybe you can, but for now I really have to get to work" I was really in a rush or else I will have some major issues with my boss.

"If I have your number maybe I can hit you up to get some coffee?" I was kind of hesitant to give him my number but I did anyways.

"Here now you have my number, I'm Jen by the way." I stuck out my hand for a handshake.

"I'm John, Ill text you later then" As soon as he said that I just walked off because I had to get my ass to work.


John ended up asking me out at least two days after we met. I did accept, but I didn't really know why at first. He seemed like a nice guy and he was kind of cute. It's been 7 months that we have been dating and the relationship is going great so far. Yea I'm happy, but the thing is that I feel like there is something missing.

I finally decided to respond to the text. "Hey babe =) and I'm just relaxing on the couch, how about you?"

I put my phone down on the coffee table in front of me. I was just relaxing all day because I have a day off from work. I've been thinking about a lot of things while I was on the couch. Somehow I stumbled upon Zayn. Since he came to mind I couldn't get him out of my mind afterwards. Now that I think about it, I somehow remembered that I had feelings for him. I remember that I was starting to really like him when we were dancing and talking at the wedding, and until he kissed me I just wanted to be his.Damn, I really miss him. In the back of my mind I know that I still have some feelings for him. I miss him a lot, but it's not like I'm going to ever see him again so I know I have to get over him.

*buzz buzz*

The vibration pf my phone interrupted my thoughts, it was just John. "Well since you're not doing anything right now maybe we can go for a little walk?"

I quickly answered"Yea that sounds great =) pick me up in 10?"

I got up and did a quick stretch. The thoughts have come back to me. I know that I have to get over Zayn some time. Maybe that's why I said yes right away to John, just to get over Zayn. But John seems like a really nice guy.

*buzz buzz*

"Ill be there soon" I just looked at it and went straight to my room and changed into my skinny jeans and my boyfriends sweater. I didn't bother putting on makeup because I was just going on a walk with John. I sat on the couch waiting for him to pick me up. The thought of Zayn keeps creeping up on me. Why was I thinking about him so much? Maybe I'm a little off today, or maybe I miss him too much? 


And that must be John. "hey babe" I greeted him.

He kissed me "hey, you ready?"

"Yea I'm ready let's go" I grabbed my keys and locked the door behind me.

(PIC OF JEN AND JOHN ON THE SIDE------>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>)


The video is random i just reallyy love his video's and so does Pam and Emi<3



We Met and Fell in Love (Zayn Malik) *ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now