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Hi, I’m Aby. I was born on February 2nd, 2011. I’m 3 and I have Spastic Diplegia Cerebral Palsy. That means that it’s one of the many neurological disorders that are associated with Cerebral Palsy. So, the muscles in my legs can stiffen, and with some muscles, my legs can move like the arms of a scissor. It’s hard living with this, but the doctors say that I won’t have this when I’m older, and I really am hoping for that.

It was a nice, summer day when I had got put up for adoption at 2 and a half. I asked my parents why they were doing this, but they never really gave me a real answer. It became clear when someone who worked at the adoption agency explained why I was put up for adoption. I was honestly really upset by this. Was this really as hard as they made it out to be? I sure hope not. While there, I made quick friends with three girls. Their names were Leslie, Ashley, and Shon’tavia. They were put up for adoption because their mommies and daddies couldn’t afford them financially, or they were big drug addicts. All of our reasons are pretty bad, but at least we got each other.

One spring day, one of the ladies that worked at the adoption agency came up to me and said to me I was going home with a nice family. My face dropped. I didn’t want to leave this place, my friends, my toys, just everything about this place. When I first met them, they quickly made me feel better.

“Don’t worry, we will take good care of you,” the man says. “And don’t worry, we’ll make sure you keep in touch with your friends that you’ve made here.” I hesitated for a minute, but I went up to him, and hugged him. I looked over at the woman he was with, and she gave me one of the biggest, warmest smiles I had ever seen.

When I had finally gotten home with them, they made me feel right at home. They showed me my room, my toys, everything. They even told me that I would be meeting their families too. I got told by the man, who goes by Nick, that I have three uncles, an aunt, and a cousin on his side. The woman, who goes by Demi, told me that I have two aunts on her side. They even told me that my grandparents were really awesome too. My new daddy even told me that my little cousin was only born that winter, on my birthday. They told me her name was Alena and she was born February 2nd, 2014. I was beaming when I heard that. I have a little cousin that shares the same birthday as me?! That’s pretty cool. I couldn’t wait to meet her finally. I’m going to be meeting her tomorrow, and I am so excited to be seeing her. I just hope my Cerebral Palsy does’t act up when I’m going to be meeting her. I want tomorrow to be perfect, I want my whole life to be perfect with my new family. I know I’m going to be going to sleep very happy.

I was bouncing off the walls while getting to meet my new daddy’s side of the family, especially more so to meet my little cousin, Alena. My new mommy brought me to the car and put me in. “Are you excited, sweetie?” she asked, as she was buckling me in. “Of course I am!” My smile was from ear to ear. She let out a small giggle and kissed the top of my head. I fell asleep during the car ride, because I didn’t get much sleep last night, and my muscles did act up at some point during the night. I finally got woken up when we got to my daddy’s parents house. He said that’s where my uncles, my aunt, and little cousin will be, just to meet me. I walked in, holding his hand. My mommy picked me up when we got into the living room, where everyone was watching TV, waiting for our arrival. “Hey, guys,” he called. “This is Aby. The girl we had adopted.” My grandma, Denise, had taken my from my mommy, stood me on the floor, and got to my eye level. “Hi, sweetie. I’m going to be your new grandma, you can call me whatever form of ‘grandma’ you want. It’s so nice to meet you. I’ve been hearing so much about you over this process,” I smiled big, and hugged her. I looked around shortly after, and my grandpa, Paul, came over and he talked to me for a minute. Then my youngest uncle, Frankie, came over. We high fived each other. He was really cool for his age. My other uncle, Joe, came over with his girlfriend, Blanda. “Mommy and Daddy never told me she would be here,” I said looking at her. “But it’s okay, she’s really cool Uncle Joey.” I gave them a big smile, I high fived my uncle and hug his girlfriend. And after them, my beautiful, amazing, baby cousin, came over with her parents. She was only two months old, but she still was breathtaking. My Uncle Kevin was her daddy, and his wife, my Aunt Danielle, was her mommy. I made sure I would have a lot of playdates when we both grew and got older.

I had an amazing time at my grandparents house, and I can’t wait to meet my mommy’s side, who were going to see right when we leave my daddy’s parents house. I can’t wait, but I didn’t wanna leave. They were all so fun, and we got to play a lot. It felt like I was supposed to belong with these people. Maybe my real parents knew that I would find a much better home with someone else, and that is what happened. When we got to my mommy’s parents house, I was super excited to go in and meet everyone. It was around lunch time, though, so we were going to eat there, which I didn’t mind. When we got in, my mommy announced that I’m Aby. My youngest aunt came over first, her name is Madison, but everyone calls her Maddie, since it’s her nickname. I hugged her right away. “You are so cute, Aby. I’m happy that you’re here now,” she said, with the warm smile. After I met her, I met my Aunt Dallas, then my other set of grandparents, Eddie and Dianna. They all accepted and loved me for me. It was amazing hanging out with them, and getting to know them when we were eating lunch. I felt so normal today, and I haven’t felt that way in a long time. I am so grateful I found a loving, new family. But, I do hope for the best for my really mommy and daddy. I hope they find peace and happiness in whatever they do. As much as I love my new family, I still have a love for my real parents, and I hope my new family can understand that.

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