First Time (Nick's POV)

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Ever since we had gotten Aby, it’s all been happiness. But today, for the first time, all I felt was sadness. The fact that she may never get rid of her condition, the fact that a few of her friends also have something wrong with them. Shon’tavia has also been confined to a wheelchair, which made Aby extremely upset. She had literally asked me why her friends had all of these problems. I couldn’t believe she had asked me that. I didn’t know what to tell her. All I could babble out was that sometimes, God would make certain people have different disabilities to show how strong they really are. I don’t even know how I came up with that, given the circumstances. I just wanted her to know that no matter what, there’s always good. But, my words didn’t come out like that. Today, was just not a day for happiness for me. I had gotten into a small fight with Demi that morning, over something so stupid, which also made Aby extremely upset. She said she remembered her actual parents fighting in front of her. I promised her that it won’t ever happen again. Demi and I would always get into fights before we had gotten Aby, I don’t know how we held out this long together. We had always talked about having kids, our own and adoptive. We even had a few talks after we had gotten Aby that we should try for our own, and each time I would tell her that we have to wait. Why? With Aby’s condition, I don’t want another child in this world that would take our attention away from Aby, when she really needed it. I didn’t want to go down that road just yet. Maybe in another year or so, but not now. I want to see how everything with Aby goes. I love her so much, as much as I love Demi. It was amazing having Aby around. I loved all the girls in my life. I couldn’t ask for anyone better for them. Sometimes, I question why certain things happened to them. I prayed and prayed that everything will be better with everyone, that no one will ever have to suffer. But, that can’t happen, I know. I have come to that realization, but I still pray. One less child in pain, one less reason to worry. All the worry in the world needs to vanish. I hate worrying. But, it’s human nature to worry. I worry when I shouldn’t worry. It’s life. This complicated thing we call life.

Today was the day I hung out with Aby. I don’t care if I’m sad or not, all I wanna do is hand out with my daughter when my wife is out with her family. My hang out with Aby consisted of watching TV, playing with her toys, and seeing how her friends were doing. Aby even told me she’s excited to start preschool the following year. For a 3-year-old, she’s really into learning. I mean, she is smart for her age, and with her condition, everyone who has it is pretty smart themselves. I can’t wait for her to start either, it’s going to be bittersweet.

Towards lunchtime, I decided that we should go visit Kevin, Dani, and Alena. Aby has been wanting to see them again, even Frankie. So, my parents are going over to Kevin’s house and bringing Frankie along with them. We were the first ones there, but it was more time to catch up with Kevin and Dani before my parents got here. Dani was playing with Alena on the floor when we came over, so I put Aby with them and talked to Kevin. A few minutes later, Dani had came over. We were talking about how Aby was doing, her friends, etc., also with how Alena was doing. They did ask where Demi was, I did tell them that she was out with her family. I took a quick glance over at Alena and Aby, it was amazing how well the bonded and played together.

Frankie’s POV

“Mom, dad! Come on!” I yelled up the stairs. They always took forever, but more so of my mom. Why must they take so long, even for a casual thing? It’s usually the reversed role, that the kid takes forever to get ready, but instead, it’s my parents. it was about ten more minutes before I called up to them again, and especially not hearing from them either. “I’m going to get Nick to come get me if you guys don’t hurry up!” I sighed and waited for them. I looked out the window, the cars were still here. What the heck can they be doing? It was about another ten minutes before my father came down. “Your mother isn’t feeling well. We had arranged for someone to come get you, so you can still go see your brothers, Dani, and your nieces,” he explained. “I’m staying here with your mother, we just don’t want her getting anyone else sick, especially Aby and Alena.” I just stared at him in disbelief. Words couldn’t come out of my mouth. “Whatever,” I finally managed, and walked outside to wait for my ride. Sick? Really mom? You had to get sick out of all days?

It was around dinnertime, and I was still at Kevin’s and Dani’s house. I’ve been having so much fun playing with Alena and Aby, that I lost track of time. Nick came in to tell us dinner was ready. I had picked up Alena, to carry her inside to Dani, so she could feed her. I watched Nick bring in Aby with such awe. They looked so happy right now, laughing and smiling. I could tell that Nick was happy to be helping Aby grow with herself. Aby was so thrilled to be playing with her cousin and uncle. She was such a loving girl, I just hope no one will break her heart one day. I turned my head to look over at Kevin and Dani, and how they were taking care of Alena. It was so powerful watching two types of parents care for their children. I wished that Demi was here, but she did have a day planned with her family. But it was still great seeing how she interacts with Aby. I couldn’t imagine how hard it must be on them with her condition, especially since her real parents had put her up for adoption. I’m so grateful that Nick and Demi got to take her in to their home in such loving arms. It was mind blowing to see how much they cared for her, and it blew my mind with Kevin and Dani with Alena. She’s not even a year yet, but how they interact with her, and everything else they do with her, it was just amazing. I hope I find someone that Kevin and Nick did. I know for sure I will treat my kids like princesses and princes. And I do hope that one day, Madison De La Garza will be my beautiful wife. Yes, I’m only 13, and she’s only 12, but that doesn’t mean I still can’t see her as my dream girl. She really is stunning, just like her sisters. After dinner, Demi, Dallas, and Maddie had came over. Dallas had been dying to meet Alena, same with Maddie. While Dallas and Maddie were busy adoring Alena, I looked over to Demi and Nick, who were admiring the little girl they adopted.

Maddie finally came over to me, about an hour or so later, since she got here. “Hey, Frankie,” she said sheepishly. “You’re so lucky to have Alena as part of your family.” she was beaming now. “Yeah, but she does have a part in your family, too, you know,” I chuckled. “I mean, since Demi and Nick are married.” I blurted out. She only giggled. “Yeah, I just hope they can baby sit her one day,” she looked over at her sister and her husband. “Because I so would be over their house playing with her. She is so cute and I loved playing with her toys with her.” She was in total awe over Alena. I found it so cute. “Yeah, she’s pretty amazing,” I said, smiling.

Demi’s POV

When I finally got to Kevin’s and Dani’s house with my sisters, I immediately saw how happy Frankie was, especially when he saw Maddie. I knew he was crushing, hard. Dallas and Maddie had went to see Alena, so I went over to Nick and Aby. “How’s my little girl doing?” I asked, as I finally got to them. “Amazing, mommy!” Aby was so happy, and I loved seeing her happy. “Did you have fun with your cousin and uncle?” “I sure did, mommy. Even daddy came to play with us!” Nick had blushed and chuckled. It was so nice seeing everyone so happy. I just loved seeing all the happiness around me. I felt extremely guilty for fighting with Nick this morning, I hate seeing him so upset. I know, for sure, he’s going to be getting the best make up ever. Kevin and Dani had agreed that they’ll let Aby sleep over. They also wanted to learn more about her and about her condition. We all do agree that it would be nice for the girls to bond even more. When I had told Aby the news, she was excited, but sad. “I’m going to miss you guys,” she pouted. “Baby, I promise, we’re always here for you. Your aunt and uncle will let you call us if you need anything,” I assured her. “I know, mommy,” she was smiling now. “I love you mommy, and I love you daddy.” “We love you too, baby girl,” Nick piped in.

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