Firework (Aby's POV)

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It’s been a while since I had gotten adopted. Today is the 4th of July. My first 4th of July I got to spend with a family that loves me. I’n now four, and my little cousin, Alena is one. Not much had happened in these past couple of months, only that I’ve been spending more time with my friends, and was enrolled in preschool, and I’m starting Kindergarten next year. Also, my Aunt Maddie and Uncle Frankie got together, I find it weird, but as long as they are happy. Mommy and daddy have been making my life so enjoyable. Today, we’re going over to my daddy’s parents house for a party. All my family is going to be there, and of course other people my family knows. I’m excited to see my grandparents again. Last time I saw them, they let me sleep over. It was pretty awesome, especially I got to see my Uncle Frankie more, and played with him a lot more than I ever had. Now, I’m seeing my Uncle Joe, Uncle Kevin, and Aunt Dani, and nots forget Alena. I haven’t seen them in a while since they have been all so busy. I’m also seeing my Aunt Maddie, Aunt Dallas, and my other set of grandparents. I was so happy everyone is going to be there, I just hope I don’r get too scared by the fireworks. I’ve never seen them, but mommy and daddy say that they’re really pretty, but loud.

During the party, I had so much fun. I played with Alena, and my aunts and uncles for a while. I loved spending time with them. I was excited when the fireworks started, but Alena had to go home, since her parents didn’t want her to be around the fireworks. Which, I do understand, she still is really young and they don’t feel comfortable with it. I was in awe seeing the fireworks. I couldn’t believe it was actually happening. I was so grateful that I could get to see this now.

The next day, I spent the day watching movies and cuddling with my parents. They even had shared that I was going to be a big sister in a couple of months. I was exited that I’m going to have a little brother or sister. This was the best two days that  girl could ask for. I cannot wait until the day I was going to meet my little brother or sister. This was going to be an exciting few months.

The rest of the summer was amazing. I got to see so many different sites, and got to hang out with my family and friends so much. My Uncle Joe always made my day whenever I was around him. I loved being around him. I would get sad whenever I had to leave, or when he had to, but no matter what, I always had fun with my family. I never would’ve thought in a million years that I would have this type of family. Words cannot describe how happy I am here.

Demi’s POV

I found out I was pregnant around July 4th weekend, Nick and I have been wanting to have our own child, and now we are. I was beaming when I found out, and had to figure a way to tell Aby. When we finally told her the day after the 4th, she was too happy to become a big sister. So was I when I found out that my mom was pregnant with my little sister. It was amazing feeling knowing how happy she was.

As the months went by, the bigger my stomach got, and the more happy our family was getting. The more time the went by, the more anxious I was for March to come. We had found out we were having a boy and decided to name him Jesse. I was so happy to now have a little boy in this family in only a couple of months. I couldn’t care less about anything else in the world, as long as I have my family.

As the winter came around, Aby was doing phenomenal in pre-school, and she was so interested with helping with the arrival of her baby brother. She helped with decorating his room and picking out his clothes. It was unreal that in the next three months, I would be bringing a beautiful baby boy into this world, and making Aby a big sister. I can’t imagine anything better. Hell, this is the life.

When Christmas came, it was amazing seeing Aby play with her aunts and uncles, and even Alena. We had went from house to house to celebrate, all were just as excited for us that our son will be here before we know it. Aby didn’t even seem any bit of jealous, which I know a lot of older siblings, who are only children, or the baby, would be super upset. I really am hoping our son can be like Aby when he’s older. I hope a lot of people can be like Aby. She’s honestly such an amazing girl, and she deserves to be looked up to. She brings so much joy into everyone’s lives, it’s amazing. Even Alena loves her, and she’s still very young. I love the amount of time that they spend together, I know Alena can look up, and confide, in Aby. There is no doubt in my mind that she won’t.

The New Year came and went, everyone was getting more excited about Jesse. Aby was educating herself on how to be gentle, and be the best big sister, in the two months that will soon be March. I’m so proud of her, it’s amazing how far she came.

March is finally here. The day is finally here. Jesse will finally be in this world. Aby will finally be a big sister.

The process was painful, but worth it. Jesse is finally here. Everything is fine. Not long after Jesse was born, Aby came next to me on my bed, asking if she can hold her brother. “You need to be careful with him, baby girl,” I start. “He’s really delicate, but I’ll help you.” I gently placed Jesse in her arms, making sure she’s holding him right. It was amazing seeing my two children together, and bonding. It was honestly one of the sweetest moments ever. Aby was beaming when she had Jesse in her arms. This moment, was a moment that I live for. I can’t imagine life any different.

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