An Angel, a Goddess, with Butters?

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Eden's POV:
*incoming FaceTime from Butters Stotch*
Of course I had to answer. He was one of my best friends at the time, and he said he's gonna help me transition my move to South Park.

"Hey Butters what's up?" I asked him.

"Not much how about you?" I responded.

"I'm good. I'm also very excited that you're moving to my town! I bet the guys will love you!" He responded with a tone of enthusiasm in his voice.

"Butters I'm excited too but I'm also kind of nervous because I don't know what to expect." I told him.

"Don't worry Eden. You'll be fine and if something happens just know you have me as your friend."

"Thanks Butters"

~a couple months later~

I walked into South Park elementary with Butters and he walked around and introduced me to some people.

Kyle's POV:
Cartman's such a- oh my god is that Butters's new girlfriend? He never mentioned one and she seemed a bit too good for him no offense..

That strawberry blonde hair, those sparkling green eyes. She's definitely an angel. She's probably around Butters because she feels bad for him.

Butters and his angelic female friend walked over here to where I was, with Cartman, Kenny, and Stan.

Eden's POV:
Butters then walked me over to a group of 4 boys. One was fat, one had a blue hat, one was literally an orange jacket with eyes, and the last one had a green hat and a big smile. Butters then introduced each of them.

"Cartman, Stan, Kenny, and Kyle" he said.
I smiled at them.

"I'm Eden" I told them as the fat one who goes by Cartman broke out laughing.


I let it go because I didn't want to make a scene. His other friends glared at him.

"Not cool dude" said Stan. Then the jacket kid, Kenny mumbled something I couldn't understand but it seemed like he agreed with Stan.

"Eric cmon she's new here can't you give her a break?" Begged Butters.

Cartman started laughing again and then the green hat kid who Butters said was Kyle stopped smiling and rolled his eyes.

"Don't worry about him. He's just an annoying fatass" said Kyle. "I think your name sounds nice"

"Thanks." I smiled at him. He seems to be the nicest out of the 4.

"Cmon fellas we better head to class" said Butters.

We all left for class.

"Ok class we have a new student yet again." Said the teacher rolling his eyes. "I'm Mr. Garrison and I heard you're a good student with a 3.9 gpa. Well atleast I know that I won't have a class full of retards" he said.

I felt really really awkward because I didn't want to make a fool of myself, but I went up anyway.

"I'm Eden" I told the class and then went to sit down. The only open desk was next to Kyle so I asked him,

"Do you mind if I sit here?"

"Not at all. Go ahead" he said. So I sat down right next to him.

A girl with blonde curly hair sat on the other side of me and introduced herself as Bebe.

"You must be really smart because a 3.9 is really good!" She said. She seemed really nice.

"Thanks I guess" I responded.

"The only two people who come close to your gpa are Kyle at 3.6 and Wendy at 3.7" she commented. I didn't really know how to respond so I just said "oh" and we both payed attention to class.

"So class what is 11 plus 9?" Asked Mr. Garrison. My hand immediately shot up but then I realized I was the only one raising my hand.


"Simple. It's 20. You add the 1 and 9 and then carry the 1 to make 20" I said.

"Speak English" scoffed Cartman.

"Well done Mrs. Vega." Responded the teacher.

The rest of class flew by quickly, and I met up with Butters and his 4 friends and walked to lunch with them.

"You can sit with us if you'd like" said Kyle as he glanced down at the floor, forming a little smile.

"Thanks Guys you're so nice to me" I responded.

Kyle's POV:
We sat down at our usual table, and I saw a free spot next to Eden so I took that opportunity to sit with her. I walked up to her spot but then immediately Butters stole that spot I wanted.

"Heya Kyle" said Butters. I gave him a look since he stole the spot I wanted, next to the pretty girl. Ugh I was stuck next to Cartman.

I had an idea! What if I was to invite the entire table to my house so maybe Eden could go! Then I'd be able to be around her.

"Hey guys wanna watch Terrance and Philip at my place?" I asked them. The entire table said yes, and then Eden said,

"I think I'll go too" and she smiled.

May the luck be in my favor.


South Park Kyle x a familiar stranger Where stories live. Discover now