I Know I Fucked Up But I Intend to Fix it

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(Authors note // sorry if this isn't great I've hit a lot of writers block)

Kyle's POV:
"Ike what should I do?" I know I messed up"
I said. Being the little kid he is, he just sat there and said some kiddie nonsense but just having him by my side made me feel slightly better.

I'm sorry that I let you down Eden
I thought.

Even though Butters was wrong in a way, I was completely out of line.
How would I make it up to her?

Tears rolled down my cheeks, looking at the bracelet she gave me. A friendship bracelet. A colorful little creation out of string.

I decided to call over Stan Kenny and Cartman. They're my best friends and they'd know what to do, right?

I invited them all up to my room.
"Guys I don't know what to do. I get that I lost control, but now I don't know what to do" I told them.

"Well dude I think you should apologize" said Stan.

"Yea to Eden" said Kenny.

"Well I think yu should find some other bitch" said Cartman carelessly.

"Shut up fatass I need legit help" I told him.

"Well what if you planned something for her, like a surprise?" Mumbled Kenny.

"Hey Kenny that's actually not a bad idea!" I told him. "The only problem is I don't know how I would surprise her"

"That part is up to you" mumbled Kenny.

Eden's POV:
Even though I was annoyed with him for what he said to Butters, I kinda missed him. Kyle was the first person at South Park elementary to smile at me and actually consider me a friend. Maybe I was a bit harsh? I'm hoping he comes around.

I was taking a walk to cool off, as I saw a rose in my way. A single rose. I picked it up, and as I kept walking, I found more and more roses until I had 8. The last one had a message on it that said

'meet me behind the school 6pm. Each rose represents a letter in your name and a letter in mine. 8 roses are better than 4. And we're better together rather than apart'

Aww whoever left this seems really sweet. This time I decided not to tell Butters it drag him along because this was clearly meant for me.

I couldn't stop thinking about the roses and the note.

Kyle's POV:
Feeling nervous, I thought of possible outcomes from this. I left her 8 roses and what I hoped was a sweet message. I lit 8 candles behind the school in an attempt to set the mood. I hope she forgives me.

I also brought some pizza, hoping she likes that.

Around 6 ish I started hearing footsteps.

"Hello?" I could hear her voice. She was close by. Butterflies in my stomach multiplied.

"Oh hey Kyle" she said kindof shy.

"Hey Eden. Thanks for meeting me here. I wanna start off by apologizing for what I did. I shouldn't have let out my anger on Butters and I'm sorry. I hope you can forgive me and we can still be Uh friends" I said.

She smiled.

"I knew you were human. Apology accepted. It's ok I understand Butters is sometimes like a clingy little brother." She said and chuckled.

"Yeaahh" I said staring into her eyes.

"Apology aside, why are there flowers and candles and pizza everywhere?" She asked.

Moment of truth

"Eden I need to tell you something." I looked her in the eyes. She looks me in the eyes as well.

"Eden I-"

I was suddenly interrupted by
"Hey fellas?!"
An annoyed Butters.

"What are you doing here Butters?" I asked him, shocked.

"Oh I know what you're doing Kyle. You can't have her" his eyes narrowed.

"That's not for you to decide Butters" I told him.

"I get that you care about me, Butters. But you really need to stop being so clingy. You're like a brother to me" she told him.

"But Eden I like like you" said Butters, stopping to think for a second, as if his whole life has been shattered right before his eyes.

"I'm sorry Butters my heart belongs to someone else" she said. My cheeks turned all shades of red, Almost as red as my hair.

Wait a minute

I'm hoping she meant me...

Butters left glaring at me as she sat closer to me.

We ate pizza, and watched the stars.

Best way to end a night

South Park Kyle x a familiar stranger Where stories live. Discover now