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(I see her as the girl in the jersey shirt, with the number 84 on it) 

     I stood with my team, getting ready for our last show before being told if we go through or not. We stood huddled in a circle, waiting for them to announce us as the second, last, act. When they did, we took off running to the stage where I glanced in the crowd and noticed my group, sitting there with proud smiles, causing me to crack a smile as I got into place.

       I couldn't help but feel proud of us through the entire thing, we made it this far.

       When it finished, we all ran to the side, cheering and clapping for ourselves, hugging up on each other a bit. We got a drink of water before coming to watch the judges. "Could I get each crew to stand up here with me?" he asked into the microphone, causing both of us to head to the stage, some of us shaking hands with each other before my group pushed me and Matt towards the front of our group, where we interlocked arms.

        "It was a pleasure to watch both groups, but I'm sad to say only one will move forwards!" I wrapped my hand around Matt's upper arm and squeezed lightly. "Vixens..." as he said our group name, I felt my heart shatter, "You're going to the world competition!" as my group burst into excited screams and shouts, Matt picked me up and spun me around.

       I felt tears leave my eyes while I laughed a bit. He set me down and the man shook my hand before giving me a yellow packet of information, then we took a photo for the newspaper quickly before I turned around to my crew and held up the papers

        "Bring the fire!" I screamed, making everyone start clapping and cheering before running to our changing room. I grabbed my bag and ran out with Matt and Jackson. "I heard they're having mini side competitions, and I was thinking the three of us could do something" "That'd be so cool!" I laughed at the two boys "There's my badass little sister!" I smiled at the group that arrived for me before turning towards Matt and Jackson "I'll text you guys about it, sound good?" they agreed and I hugged them before they ran towards the van we rented.

      I turned back towards my group and smiled, holding up the packet a little bit with a smile "I thought it was game over" I said with a chuckle. "I'm so proud of you, Caden" "So are we, and we'll all be at finals" I turned to see Fred, FP, and Alice before hugging them. "It's next month," I said with a smile before Moose pulled me into a hug.

      I hugged my brother back tightly before pulling back and hugging everyone else, but keeping my arm around Sweetpea's waist and my head in his chest "I'm so tired" I mumbled, making him laugh a bit. I smiled while pulling away to look at everyone "I would love some food" I said, making everyone laugh before we headed home finally. I rode in a car with Sweetpea, Cheryl, and Toni. We stopped and got a drink before heading home while I read the packet and texted the dance group chat about it.


      When we got home, most of us went out own ways, but Sweetpea and I went to my house where he laid in my room while I showered before getting dressed in sweatpants and a hoodie. I left my wet hair down as I walked to my room to see Sweetpea laying in my bed, playing on his phone.

       I walked over and crawled into my bed, where Sweetpea sat his phone down above our heads and turned to hold me. "You did amazing, Caden" he whispered before kissing my forehead. I smiled up at him "Thanks, Sweets." "Are you ready for finals?" he asked while he used the tip of his finger to draw circles on top of my hip bone.

      I nodded "I am, but now we have to get a dance routine down" "Hey Caden! Do you wa- oh, hey Sweetpea, didn't know you were here" we both sat up and looked at my brother "Whats up?" "Are you hungry? I think we're gonna grill some burgers and weiners" I nodded "Will you get me hot links?" I asked, sticking out my bottom lip.

     "Yeah, we'll be back," he said while walking off. I smiled and laid back down, Sweetpea doing the same. I closed my eyes and moved my face into his side. "Do you wanna nap?" I nodded, causing him to laugh a little.

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