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     Moose, Reggie, and I walked into the student lounge together. "How many times do I have to tell him no before he gets the hint!?" I said, making both boys laugh harder. "He is very persistent, gotta give him that" "Well he needs to leave me alone" I whined. "During practice, one day just lay his ass flat and tell him to leave me alone," I said while stomping my foot. "Can't go hurting one of our boys, Caden" I walked over to my friends with a huff "Well your boys need to leave me alone!" I shouted before flopping down on the couch.

    "Aaron said he's gonna ask you to the winter formal when it comes time" "I'm not going with that fucken weezle!" I replied to Archie who just chuckled. "Get him to leave me alone, fucken please" "Whats in it for me?" I let out a huffy breath before crossing my arms over my chest. "Whats he doing?" Kevin asked, "Aaron keeps asking me out on dates, like he doesn't understand the word no" "Did you tell him you have a boyfriend" I looked up to Sweetpea with a cocked eyebrow "Do you think he really cares" "Then maybe I'll have to talk to him" he said while sliding off the arm of the couch into the spot between us and put his arm around my neck.

     I smiled and leaned into him. I felt my phone vibrate so I quickly sat up and pulled it out, reading the text before rolling my eyes "Here" I said handing it over to Sweetpea who took it from me. He started typing and I ignored it as I leaned into his side more. "Guyyyys what are we doing for Halloween," Betty asked. "Depends, what day does it fall on?" "I think Friday" "There's my answer," I said, leaning up away from Sweetpea.

     "Meaning you're gonna go drink?" Kevin asked, "Kevin, dearest best friend, I drink almost everynight. Momma's gonna go party" "Slut around, none the doubt, try to sleep with our boyfriends probably" "Veronica!" I let out a chuckle before leaning into Sweetpea "I don't think my boyfriend would be too keen on that idea" "Not like you have any morals" "Veronica, stop" "Look bitch, I don't know what your deal is, but the game is old. It's been used, just like you."

      "Will both of you just cut it out!? What is your problem with each other!?" "Archie, she's obviously in love with you! How is it not obvious!? I've read your text messages, I've seen the Snapchats, she is in love with you, how do you not see it!?" "You went through my phone!? Veronica, what the hell" "I'm not in love with Archie, seriously? Are you nuts? Archie is my best friend!" "Whats with the nude photos of you on his phone on Snapchat!?" "What nude photos of Caden on my phone!?" I rolled my eyes "You mean the ones where I don't have my shoulders covered? Oh, boohoo, in that case, everyone in here has seen me naked! And, Archie has seen me naked, we grew up together! Our dads were best friends, you crazy bitch."

     "You're done talking to my boyfriend, in real life and text! He's going to block you right now, and you will go hang out somewhere else from now on, got it?" "Veronica, what the hell? No, I'm not, in fact, this is over, whatever crazy thing you have in your mind, it's done because we're over. Find a new guy to be with, because I'm done" I watched as Archie grabbed his school bag and took off into the hallway, Veronica looked to Betty, who just looked away from her, and then she looked at me "You did this" I gave her a 'what the fuck are you actually talking about' face before Cheryl replied.

     "Actually, YOU did it yourself, so don't bring that negativity towards my girl like that" I leaned over and we high fived while still both staring at her. She huffed and walked out of the room. I turned to Betty "Why is she mad at me? No offense, but I've never kissed Archie" "Weeeeeellll" "We were like 7, Jughead! Plus, there's also a photo of you and I kissing the same day! Shut it" "I'm just saying you did kiss him" "You're gonna kiss my fist if you don't shut the fuck up," I said with a smile, making him chuckle.

      Sweetpea handed me my phone and I quickly read the messages, chuckling before I sat it on my lap and leaned into his chest. "Why do you guys have so many issues with each other?" Betty whispered, and I gave her a 'what the fuck' look. "She started it" "I'm curious too, what did happen?" "I don't like that bitch, end of discussion. Now, I'm going to cheer" I said while grabbing my bag, waiting on Cheryl and Betty before we all headed out. Before leaving, I kissed Sweetpea's cheek.

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