Twenty Two-Friday

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       After school, I came home and quickly changed my jacket from a black cardigan to my jean jacket

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       After school, I came home and quickly changed my jacket from a black cardigan to my jean jacket. Underneath, I was wearing something sexy because I wanted to try tonight, hopefully, he had the same ideas. My jeans didn't mess the thigh highs up like I thought they would, so I was thankful for that.

    I tossed the beanie off my head along with the scarf before I sprayed some more perfume on my body before brushing through my hair quickly. I heard my phone ding and seen it was Sweetpea saying he was outside. I slipped my jacket on and ran down the stairs, grabbing my purse on my way by the door.

      When I got there I saw him holding an extra helmet. I walked over and took it from him "You better be careful" I warned as I climbed on, grabbing his waist. "I'm always careful, baby girl," he said, and I smiled. I put the helmet on and gave him the okay before he took off. I closed my eyes as I moved my head down a little. He wasn't driving too fast, so I lifted my head back up to look as things passed by.

      I didn't know where the hell we were going, nor did I care. I honestly was fine if we went back to the trailer and watched tv. After a few minutes, we came to a stop. I looked around to see we were at Pops, and I giggled while getting off the bike. I waited on him before we went inside and sat at a booth in the back. We sat on the same side, facing towards the door. I sat on the inside, against the wall, and rested my head against his shoulder.

     "I know it's nothing crazy, but I thought a date would be nice. And Riverdale doesn't have much" I looked up at him "I love it, Sweetpea. Really. Plus, afterward, we can just go back to my house and hang out. Watch a movie" I said and he smiled before kissing my lips. "Alright love birds, what do you want to eat?" I looked up to FP and smiled "I'll just have some cheese fries and a vanilla shake" I said and Sweetpea ordered before he walked off. I rested my head back against Sweetpea, resting my hand on his thigh as I closed my eyes.

      He had one arm over my shoulders, and the other rested on my knee, he swiped his thumb across the bottom of my thigh as we sat there. Soon, FP brought our food over and we moved away a little bit, but I left my hand on his thigh, eating with my other hand. We talked a little bit, through eating, but not too much before he paid and we were headed back to my house.

     When we arrived, Moose wasn't home still. We walked up to my bedroom and we walked to my bedroom, where I kicked my shoes off "I'll be right back" I said before walking to the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror before I let out a shaky breath and nodded my head, tossing my jacket off, along with my shirt, and then my jeans. I looked at my self, in the lingerie, before I grabbed my jacket and pulled it on.

     I nodded my head in the mirror before slowly walking to my bedroom, where I saw my boyfriend had his jacket and shoes off, but he was looking down at his phone

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     I nodded my head in the mirror before slowly walking to my bedroom, where I saw my boyfriend had his jacket and shoes off, but he was looking down at his phone. I leaned against the door frame, looking at him. After a second he looked up but looked down at his phone again. Not a second later he looked up at me and eyed me. "Caden," he said in a warning tone and I smiled before turning around and closing my door.

     When I turned back around, Sweetpea was standing behind me, his chest moving up and down. "Baby girl what are you doing," he asked, putting a hand on my waist, and the other on my cheek. "Hopefully you" I whispered softly.


      I laid in my bed with Sweetpea, I was resting my head in his chest and we were both breathing a little heavy. He had an arm wrapped around my shoulders. I had my leg draped over his, and we were covered only by my silk red sheet, as my blankets were on the floor with most of my pillows.

     After catching our breath, Sweetpea used his index finger to lift my head and kissed me softly, and passionately. When we pulled away, I gave him a smile which he returned. I laid my head back down "I need to shower" I said with a laugh. "So do I" he replied, and I sat up, rubbing my face before I turned back to him, he was staring at me, and I rolled my eyes while standing up, walking over to slip his boxers on my body, and I grabbed a black hoodie from my closet, sliding it over my head.

     When my head came out, he was slipping his shirt on, his jeans already on but not done up. I smiled sheepishly and walked over to the door, with the slightest limp and heard him laugh at me "Fuck you" I said with a laugh. "Baby, you just did" he through back and I rolled my eyes.

     We walked down the stairs and headed towards the door. "I hope you two used protection" We both jumped and turned towards the living room where my mother sat in her chair, rocking it slightly as she drank from a cup "Jesus Christ" I mumbled while quickly speeding to the door.

     Sweetpea laughs at me as I blushed while looked at him. "I'll text you when I get home, beautiful" Sweetpea said before he leaned down to kiss me, and I kissed back "Be safe Pea," I said as he walked out the door, he just gave me a wink as he got on his bike.

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