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Sana's POV:

I was shocked and hurt about what I saw... I quickly took a picture of it. I want to show everyone what I saw but I can't cause I know it's not right.

I went back to our photoshoot area and decided to tell the girls (well... except for Tzuyu) after we get home.
I put my phone down on my chair. After our shoot, I found my phone opened and it had the picture I took of the two shown. I was worried that someone saw it, so I looked around and found nobody.
Knowing that the two now have their own special bracelets... I feel even more jealous. I secretly asked one of the staff what the "TaeTzu" meant. She said that it was the nickname of their ship. Both company's managers agreed on their relationships being like "that".

They said it will be "good" for both groups.

Why does Tzuyu always get the things I want?! Before I knew it tears started falling down to my cheeks. I quickly wiped it away for no one to see.

But I guess some of the members noticed and kept looking at me with a worried look.

After we got home I was too tired to even talk or think about those two... I quickly fell asleep on my bed. They next day, I heard a lot of loud noises outside. I looked through the window to see where/who it came from.

There were lots of cameramen and reporters outside our dorm. I quickly changed from my pyjamas and went down stairs to see what's up.

Everyone was looking at the TV with a worried look...

I looked at the captions and I got worried too. Now I understand why there's so many reporters outside.

After listening and watching what to TV reporter said ... I was shocked to see the picture I took with my phone when I was checking on the two.

I looked through my phone to check if it really was the same photo but...
It was. Jihyo saw me check my phone and she became suspicious and looked at it from behind me. I was surprised to hear her loud gasp.

The others heard and snatched my phone...
They were shocked at what they saw.

Yes... it was the same photo. They deleted the photo and gave it back. They were and looked very disappointed in me.

Then... we heard footsteps from the stairs. It was... Tzuyu.

Jeonhyeon quickly turned off the TV so Tzuyu wouldn't see the news. "What's going on?!" she asked.

"Umm... actually... well... you see-"

Sorry for the short chapter...
I'm actually busy with reading manga and stuff😅... so
I apologize if the story sounds messed up and short.😅

Please look forward to the next chapter tomorrow!
Baboosh!! 👋

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2018 ⏰

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