such feels

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glass joe

(Y/N) is the light in the darkness. Her mere existance is a blessing for me, and I couldn't be more thankful for that. It's not just because she saved my life, but she's an amazing person.

Her personality and humor is just perfect, and her voice makes my heart melt. And don't even get me started on her laughter. It just brightens my day, and I'd love to hear it everyday.

I think I should ask her out, even though I am the worst in the league of boxing, but what I lack in fighting, I make up in the romantic field. After all, French men are known for their love.

Yeah, I should ask her out.

von kaiser

I was too harsh for her. I did after all ask her to leave the program. That was a big mistake.

What have I done? I must have offended her, she was the best in the group, and I will not lie, I have fallen for her.

Her determination towards what she wanted was amazing, but I have no clue what I was saying. I didn't think that she'd leave, I was a fool to say that, but, sadly, there is no reverse button in life, so I must live with the fact that I pushed the only person who made my cold heart beat again.

I should have heard her out, I shouldn't have done that.

disco kid

Oh, my dollie, (Y/N) is the best! Her skills on the dancefloor and in the DJing field are both beyond perfection! I love how her eyes twinkle whenever she talks about what she loves the most, or how she fangirls when there is a new discovery she've made in something that she thought she knew of makes me feel so happy.

I should really take her out. Like I mean come on, she's the best a person could have as a girlfriend or even just friend.

Yes, I'll ask her out asap.

piston hondo

Why can't I stop thinking about her?

(Y/N) has taken over my mind, and all I can think about is how beautiful she is, or how mesmorizing her voice is. The fact that she's going to move to Tokyo means that I'll be seeing her more often, And that means that I must ask her.

I'm already going crazy just thinking about her. How she's so elegant, how she just seems to slow down time, and Heavens when she sings, she takes my breath away.

I need to tell her my feelings. Ever since I saw her, all I can think about is her.

Goodness, I'm thinking about her right now!

don flamenco

It has been two months since Carmen has broken my heart into millions of pieces, but (Y/N) helped me get myself together, and she even helped me by distracting me from thinking about my ex.

To be honest, I think I like- no. I love her!

I have never been so inlove with someone this much, hell, I have never been inlove with anyone in my entire life!

All of my previous relationships were purely for their bodies, or because of their manipulative words.

But (Y/N)... Ah, her name just sounds perfect. Her personality, her occasional sass, and the way she just blushes when I compliment her.

She's adorable, and I wouldn't mind if she'd be the one, whom I can call mine.

I need to tell her, before a random guy asks her out. I must be quick.

aran ryan

Call me a softie, or whatever ya want, but I like the lil' lassie, (Y/N). She's the toughest chick I've ever known in this town, and if anyone dares to even look at her the wrong way...

Well I hope ya can sleep with your eyes open.

Anyways, (Y/N) is perfect. Even beyond perfect!

The fact that she likes my pranks and street art makes me so happy, and whenever I'm close to her, I feel my heart beating faster, and I even sometimes get tonguetied.

Okay, okay. I am inlove with her, but don't tell anyone about it. Not even her!

Ya hear me?!

great tiger

I have to admit, (Y/N) and I might have gotten off the wrong foot, but I believe she's the best girl a man can ask for.

She's hard working, and doesn't let any man swipe her off her feet so easily.

I mean, the fact that after 6 months of begging her not to reject my friendship, and she agreed was a victory for me already.

And now, I can admire her from a closer distance.

I find it quite sweet when she brushes a loose lock behind her ear, or when she smiles at anyone, especially me, and the best is when she gets annoyed and puts on this fake smile, then when she's away from the person who've bothered her, she instantly looks like an angry mother, about to whoop their kids butts with a sandal.

I know that I'm not like the ordinary guys, because of my... ahem, reasons, but I love her, dammit!

I'll have to tell her. It might ruin the precious friendship, but I must tell her, my true feelings.

bald bull

(Y/N)? You mean, the best woman, who've stepped into my life?

Yes, I love her. Even beyond love. I feel like we are meant to be.

She's just so small and cute, compaired to me.

Her looks and skills in massaging are amazing, but her voice, especially when she's concentrating and is humming a random tune that has been stuck in her head is the ultimate heartstopped.

I wish I could hear it more often, or even see her more often.

Yes, we do meet every other day, but I want to see her everyday.

I should tell her. Yes I should.

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